Nabors Drilling #X17 reported Spud Date 8/25, 5 days Drilling Ahead @ 797', 8/29.

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Thank you,Skip!  yes patience is a virtue!   At least I can find the info from here. Many thanks

Skip,it is is what it is on this well

Skip. thank you for your input!


Just a little comment to clear up something. It looks like everybody is talking about leases being held by production (HBP). The leases can be also be held by activity. That is determined by the language in the lease. So leases can be held by means other than HBP. I've heard of cases where a bulldozer on site will hold leases while other leases demand that a well be spudded in with a rig capable of drilling to a productive formation.

Joe's correct.  HBP is typically a lengthy period of time unless something unexpected happens to cut off production.  Operations can keep leases in force for relatively short periods of time under an active well permit.  Operations can be that bulldozer preparing a drill site.  Operations can also cover the period that a well pad sits idle between being drilled and being completed (fracked).  Leases may also be held in force by a standard shut-in clause that allows for a well which has been, or is considered, productive by a shut-in payment(s). 

Joe, Am i still here??

Skip, sorry and thank you for your input

Who's corrupt?  And for what?

the oil companies.

Outlaw oil companies are few and far between but they are out there, like CHK, and they tend to give all the good companies a bad name. Just a simple Google search can tell a lot about who is good and who is bad.

Judy, If you agree to a lease that contains a clause allowing operations to hold a lease, that's not corrupt.  Those who enter into leases without reading/understanding them have no room to complain. 

Sorry, Skip, for the comment.  I was out of line.  Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving!



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