February 13, 2009

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Congressman Fleming’s Statement Regarding Final Passage of Stimulus Plan

Washington, D.C. – Congressman John Fleming voted against H.R. 1 today, the bill commonly referred to as the 2009 Stimulus Plan. After casting his vote opposing the massive spending bill, Congressman Fleming released the following statement:

“ America is hurting, but this bill isn’t going to provide relief for families or businesses. I could not vote for a bill that will grow government, increase national debt with deficit spending and still won’t grow jobs efficiently.

The final version of this bill is an example of how to waste tax payer dollars. It included $30 million for mice protection, $600 million for golf carts for beauracrats and $1 billion for STD prevention. Rodents, golf carts and condoms were more important than reduced tax cuts for families and help for small businesses. This bill will grow our deficit to its highest level in six decades and economists agree, will not stop America ’s backward economic slide.

This bill also failed to dedicate funding to specific infrastructure projects that would create jobs and boost the economy for Northwest Louisiana . There was no money dedicated to I-49 or any other road project that is critical for the 4th Congressional District.

As a doctor, I am also fearful of another frightening provision snuck into this bill that will create a national health care rationing board. An economic crisis is being used to increase government controlled health care. This is devious and I will fight any measure to move health care in the direction of government intervention in decisions that must remain part of the doctor/patient relationship.

I support an alternative to this plan that creates double the jobs at half the cost, allowes for businesses to expedite depreciation schedules, eliminates capital gains taxes, eliminates payroll deductions immediately and dedicates dollars to infrastructure projects determined to be of the biggest economic importance to this country, including I-49. This bill was never allowed to be brought to the floor.

The American people deserve better than this bill and Congress can do better. I am disappointed that the liberal leadership in Congress did not work in a bipartinsan manner to create a real stimulus package that would immediately create jobs and pull America out of this recession.”


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And when we start name calling, and letting our political opinions override our good sense, these discussins go downhill. We don't need to talk about what happenened prior to Bush, and I won't.
So sad, so very sad.
I am looking out for my interests, as everyone else who put their hands in the stimulus plan.
Which is not a totally bad plan, I just want my interests included also.
Subsidize, create an incentive, a tax break, whatever form it takes.
If the drillers and other NG industry companies can not get credit to complete development, production, transportation and marketing of the NG, and their is no incentive to give them credit they can not compete with the other well subsidized and incentivised alternative energy industries.

Right now, NG is not as profitable as it has been in the past, excluding the run up last year, which was an anomaly in the market.

This statement: "Perhaps it's not in the bill because it's profitable as it is in the private sector." if NG is profitable, this is what should the be alternative energy source of choice.

From this statement and the fact the hydrogen, electric cars, chicken flatulence and all the other fringe energy possibilities are not profitable, and so, why would we throw money at something that is not profitatble?
While creating more sources of alternative energy, use the source we have an abundance of right under our feet is my point.

I believe there is more interest in the other alternative energy sources, because the big automakers want $$$, the research institutions want $$$. They all have big influence in DC, and have for many years. They also employ alot of people directly and indirectly. SO if they say they are working on electric cars the DC crowd and the public will continue to let them have more money. It's what everyone thinks they want to hear. Most people do not realize how long it will be before a mass produced 'affordable' electric car will come off the assembly line and at a much higher cost, even with stimulus help, than converting all large trucks, mass transit, and other large speciality equipment, and adding or fitting current pumping stations to dispense natural gas.

Let's face it most of this country does not pay attention to anything unless it slams them in the face, or hurts their pocketbook. They don't care,they just follow the leader(s). They believe the hype, the right now. They don't think it through, they don't look at ALL the options, they don't. They don't have time, they are working hard to just stay afloat.
For many people, education, knowledge, thinking time, discernment is a luxury.
It doesn't make much sense the NG companies would invest so much money to produce a product without first insuring they had a market for it.
Seems like it would be beneficial to them to lobby the auto makers and other industries so as to create a market for NG. The government isn't subsidizing convenient stores to install petroleum fuel pumps, are they? I'm sure the NG companies could afford to install the source for consumers if the auto companies would produce the vehicles to use their product. So maybe the NG companies should just stop their whining over these low NG prices because they could fix it if they wanted.
Maybe T-Boone is lobbying the wrong people, huh?
NG need some 'buzz'.
It needs to be the HOT alternative fuel.
Make it something people know about.
Make it something everyone wants.
The desire needs to created or pushed.
Build a public perception that it is HOT, fun, and you are lessening the CO2 gases in the environment.

If and when this happens, then no government intervention or help is needed.
The NG industry needs better marketers, PR people and more friend in DC.

Start putting NG vehicles, large and small in movies.

It needs some 'sizzle'!
Exploiting NG as a transportation fuel seems so obvious as a fix to imports that it sounds suspicious as to why it isn't being done!
Have there been any explanations from any of our leaders as to why they haven't at least considered it? I would think it at least be worthy of some kind of discussion by them why it isn't a good idea.
I personally think it is because the auto companies and other big titans of industry in the US, have shoved electric cars in the front and have blinded them to anything else.
I think they would consider it if it was in their face all the time.
I would think the state and county/parish govts where the NG is (LA, TX, PA, etc) would be in their faces and ears about it, telling them if they (Feds) push it, their states, counties and cities, school districts, etc will be better off financially.
I have heard a few congress and senators mention it when T Boone Pickens was pushing his plan. Nothing since then though. It is all electric.

It is human nature to go with what you have heard of and forget the rest of the facts.
NG is unknown to many people.

Until I found out my land had some under it, I did not really follow it or care. I have only had one house of the many I have lived in whose energy source was nat gas. That's my experience.
Pay off, kick backs, contributions, campaign donations, bread and butter, taxes from oil and gasoline
influence who gets to control the united states and it has been working fine and it isn't changing.
Integrity? No
I also think it's ironic that our representatives and senators don't represent something that simple.
It is probably a coincidence that it wasn't in the stimulus! You freaking kidding me,
seriously, really.
These captans of industry and national leaders have no common sence. They have degrees from Harvard and Yale but walk around with toilet paper hanging out the backs of their pants. You can see this with the election, everyone tooting the horn of Obama being so smart and having the sheepskins to back it up. There was no choice in the election, both candidates were the same. Thats why I voted for Ron Paul, thanks to the Great State of Louisiana for leaving him on the ballot. Until we get back to being a nation that works for a living and scorns those that want something for nothing then we are doomed to a failure that we will deserve.


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