Some Erath County yahoo cogressman is really trying to muck up things. Requires all mineral owners (those who own minerals which have been severed from the surface estate) to file a report in the county where the minerals are located. It's funny to me seems as though there is already a report, being the signed deed or document which conveyed the interest. This is just another example of our government getting involved in things they have no right to be involved in.

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Has anyone seen any discussion on this or have any idea where or why this came up?
The esteemed gentleman from Erath county probably bought a farm in the HS and realized he didn't own the minerals, and the mineral owners can't be found.
Maybe we should all write and ask him what kinda idiot he is?
Erath is much closer to the Barnette than the HA.
Two Dogs, know anything about Erath County or who the big dog operators are?
I stay on the East side of the Sabine River unless I got to get a lease signed on Louisiana property by someone that lives in Texas.
Every week I see a natural gas co. filing a Statement for Citation suit against a deceased person and their unknown heirs as a petition for appointment of a receiver to lease mineral interest owned in certain acreage. Is this how it is handled when the heirs can't be located? If the heirs don't come forward, then what happens?
Sometimes it is how it is handled when the heirs CAN be found. The lessee petitions the court to appoint someone to act for the heirs. The trouble comes when the "lost" heirs find out about the lease and get their lawyer involved.
I believe the tract in question could not be used as drillsite, but could be included in the unit. Royalties would go to the state.
I believe that is correct if the royalties are not claimed within a prescribed length of time. Three years, isn't it?
You know that might could be a good job - a private investigative agent tracking down heirs; fits right in with geneology research. LOL
Am I missing part of this thing? Is a mineral owner cleared of any further responsibility once they file the "affidavit of ownership" of said minerals in the county in which the minerals are? Does this filing keep the ownership in place forever or just for 10 years?


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