Does anyone know of a group we can join in Old Green Acres?

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Hi Teresa,
I live next door in Brownlee and there doesn't seem to be any good information in our neighborhood. My husband went to a meeting the other day at the Bansuk Korean Baptist Church on Brownlee Road but it was held by a group from South Bossier and he said it didn't sound very legit to him. I was just wondering if you had heard anything about Brownlee joining with anyone? Thanks!
Brownlee is in the Greenacres Place mineral leasing alliance.
Go to Mineral Rights. Haynesville Shale Agreement. Print the letter and mail it to the address at the bottom of the page.
Okay, I will do that. Do you know anything about the North Bossier Haynesville Shale Coalition? That is the meeting that my husband attended and that group is trying to get people in Brownlee to join. I've seen a couple of signs up in the last few days. I'd much rather be a part of since you guys are our neighbors but I've afraid that my neighbors are being led down the wrong path.
Stick with your neighbors. Greenacres Place Mineral Alliance has all the tools in place to negotiate the best deal. Safety in numbers - the more we have the better the deal. I know nothing of the North Bossier Haynesville Shale Coalition.
I drive through Old Greenacres Places every morning and have seen signs up telling people to visit I think these would be very beneficial in our neighborhood. Any idea where these came from or how we could get some put up in Brownlee? Thanks!



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