According to Sonrise Lite:

Sklar / Serial # 237957 / Formation Target - Hosston RA SUF 8500 MD
Sklar / Serial # 239216 / Formation Target - Hosston RA SUE 8500 MD
Sklar / Serial # 237332 / Formation Target - Hosston RA SUB 8500 MD

KCS / Serial # 235425 / Formation Target - Gray RA SUA 12,900 MD
CWL / Serial # 235970 / Formation Target - Gray RA SUB 12,900 MD

Cypress / Serial # 182691 / Formation Target - Travis Peak in 1982 MD 5748 -Recompleted in 2/8/91 8161 MD ( still producing )

Nelson / Serial # 232312 / Formation Target - Upper CV RA SUY 10,960 MD
Nelson / Serial # 234258 / Formation Target - Lower CV RA SUY 10,966 MD
Nelson / Serial # 235058 / Formation Target - Lower CV RA SUY 10,989 MD

If anyone knows of another formation please feel free to let us know! All of these wells are Verticle Wells.

Just had a little time to kill listening to the baseball draft!


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Why can't the biggest, baddest, Oil and Gas company just lease our land...drill lets say 30,000 feet and just hit oil?

:o) It's not that difficult! LOL

Maybe it will happen one day. But in the mean time, just keep in mind the Moak. That is one whale of a well.
And only around 8500 feet.
I would be very happy with a Natural Gas well like the Moak to hold me over until they can drill that deep. I'm not greedy. I am shocked that it's producing so good at that depth. Who knows what they will find under my deerstand in 10-20 years!

I would estimate that there are more than 25 formations producing in Claiborne Parish. Some that come to mind are Buckrange, Tokio, Petit, Gloyd, Taylor, Hill, Smackover A, B, C, D. There are many others. I consider the Smackover to be the most important producer in Northern part of Claiborne Parish.
Mr. Sanders,
Please do not underestimate the Haynesville Sand, depending where you are.
BirdDawg, Certainly I do not underestimate the Haynesville Sand. I was responsible for getting HS well drilled about 3 years ago in S12, T23N, R9W and a I own substantial WI in it and am trying to promote more wells and will get it done. I like Haynesville Sand. Lots of good HS wells have been drilled in Haynesville and North Shongaloo Fields and there will be many more. Both XTO, Marathon, and Forest Oil have plans for more development of HS in this area and I will have WI in some of XTO and Forest wells..
Thanks for the post above...very helpful. Also, the Sklar Well Serial 239393 has been waiting on completion since 3/16 to a depth of 8500 feet. Do you know anything about that well and why it's been WOC for so long?

Thanks in advance,

Good luck to you on those wells!
Well, the Sklar well # 239393 is finally being worked on again. Looks like they are Fracing the well according to sonrise. Looking forward to the outcome of this well.
Jaybird, Without trying to name all the productive formations in Claiborne Parish I would guess there are between 25 and 50 formations. Among the most productive are the Smackover, Haynesville Sand, numerous sands in the Cotton Valley group, Petit lime, Gloyd, Hill sand, Taylor sand (which is part of CV Group), Tokio Sand, Nacatoch sand, Buckrange, etc., etc. I just recite these from memory. There are many more. All these formations, and more, are also productive in Webster Parish. The Smackover is productive from Mexico to Alabama.

The only one I am familiar with is the Cotton Valley Group. Thanks for the response. That is interesting.

Sklar well 239393 has been completed and potentialed. Wonder what this one will report when it's all said and done. Hope it's like the Sklar Moak Well.




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