Will the corporations who stand to benefit from LNG, take control in the Haynesville to limit or curtail development in the Haynesville?

Will the corporations who stand to benefit from LNG, take control in the Haynesville to limit or curtail development in the Haynesville?
Will they flood our markey to keep the price NG price low, so it is cheaper to import than to drill?
Will they CYA and their interests?
Would they buy interest in companies that drill here to slow them down as the partner that wants 'to wait'?
I read something, saying there is enough demand for the imports and drilling, is this true?

Tags: LNG, competition, demand

Views: 39

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Les - I think they were looking for a credit card to pay for those wings, they brought the library card, so I took advantage. Guilty as charged. Won't May not Highly unlikely (about 80%) it won't happen again.

And the same goes for this hijack! :0)
Anyone with questions about LNG and potential for explosions can find a couple of interesting comments at the website sesport posted. First the LNG would have to be returned to a gaseous state. It is stored at -260 or so degrees F. To predict what a large quantity (as in tons and tons) of LNG would do if say, dumped into 85 degree saltwater may be impossible without performing a couple of experiments. It is a physical chemistry problem that boggles the mind. At sesport's site there is mention of a non combustion explosion resulting if LNG is spilled on land. I would guess this would be the result of the rapid phase change of the LNG expanding 600 times it volume when it converts to a gaseous state.
Well, if any LNG tankers try to sail into the Keithville area, I'm shooten first and asken questions later.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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