
Rusk County

All things related to the Haynesville Shale play in Rusk county Texas.

Location: Rusk county, TX
Members: 97
Latest Activity: Mar 9

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Sabine Oil & Gas Targeting Minden Field 1 Reply

Started by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher). Last reply by Rock Man Jun 21, 2019.

Rusk Completions

Started by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) Jul 29, 2018.

Rusk County Completions (April 15th)

Started by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) Apr 13, 2018.

East Drilling Report (Rusk) Nov 5-11

Started by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) Nov 20, 2017.

Bird Unit

Started by Ben Anderson Jun 3, 2013.


Started by Roger. Last reply by Brian Cummins May 6, 2013.

Anadarko leaseing in Caledonia area 26 Replies

Started by adubu. Last reply by francis j. swann Oct 30, 2012.

Rusk/ Panola Counties 2 Replies

Started by Stesal. Last reply by Stesal Sep 27, 2012.

New Oil Refinery to be built in Rusk county

Started by Caddo Rat Aug 8, 2012.

Rusk county/Panola County Line leases 7 Replies

Started by Bsmit. Last reply by Randy K Jan 6, 2012.

Cherokee County Tx 2 Replies

Started by Erica W. Last reply by Erica W Aug 24, 2010.

Indigo wanting to lease next to boles well jessie loose survey 16 Replies

Started by francis j. swann. Last reply by francis j. swann Jun 25, 2010.

horizontal wells 4 Replies

Started by Kaki. Last reply by Love Horizontals Jun 24, 2010.

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Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on May 25, 2023 at 7:45

I did get emails to alert me to your new comment so you may be okay without starting a new discussion.

Comment by Pam Erickson on May 25, 2023 at 7:42

I own mineral rights in Panola and Rusk Counties.  I always get mail from companies wanting to buy the rights, but they are vague and I usually don't pay much attention.  But suddenly I'm getting VERY large offers for my rights in one particular unit which has not been all that prolific in producing natural gas or oil.  I wonder whether it's because of the possibilities of lithium extraction.  Anyone else experiencing this?

Comment by DJG on August 22, 2010 at 2:34
E.TX Drilling 8/15 & 8/22/2010:


The T.P. Cannon GU Well No. 5H was completed by NFR Energy to 13,894 feet 3.2 miles northeast of Henderson in the Oak Hill Field. On an open choke the well potentialed 2.875 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Goodrich Petroleum completed the McRae Hay GU Well No. 5H to 16,455 feet 10.3 miles southwest of Tatum in the Carthage Field. On a 18/64-inch choke the well potentialed 5.208 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Haynesville Shale.

Unit Petroleum completed the Falvey Gas Unit Well No. 1 to 12,300 feet 2.1 miles west of Lakeport in the Carthage Field. On a 32/64-inch choke the potentialed 299,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Haynesville Shale.

The Cannon Gas 5H is 3.20 miles northeast of Henderson in Oak Hill Field. It bottoms at 13,894 feet and potentialed 2.875 million cubic feet of gas on open choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley formation.

On adjustable choke, Watson Gas 5H potentialed 5.585 million cubic feet of gas. BP America drilled to16,143 feet, 6.7 miles southwest of Tatum. Production is in Haynesville Shale.

Howell Oil & Gas will drill the Tillison Well No. 1 to 7,500 feet seven miles southeast of Henderson in a wildcat field in the J.M. Draper Survey, A-254.

The well may also be drilled in the North Laneville (Pettit, Lower) Field, the Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated) Field, the Shiloh (Rodessa) Field, the Pinehill (Travis Peak - C-) Field, the Beckville (Pettit 6800) Field or the Rufus (Pettit, Upper-Oil) Field.

In a lease ten miles southwest of Mount Enterprise, in a wildcat field, the Delafield Well No. 1 will be drilled by Ark-La-Tex Energy Partners to 12,200 feet. It is in the W. Woolwin Survey, A-838 and may be drilled in the North Trawick (Travis Peak) Field.
Comment by DJG on July 27, 2010 at 12:24
E.Tx Drilling 7/25/10:


Verado Energy completed the Pepper Gas Unit No. 1 Well No. 9 to 10,595 feet 5.6 miles west of Tatum in the Oak Hill Field. On a 24/64-inch choke the well potentialed 2.210 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

When gauged on an adjustable choke, the Brady Well No. 6 potentialed 1.861 million cubic feet of gas. This well was completed by Sojitz Energy to 11,775 feet in the Minden Field in the Cotton Valley Lime.

In a lease 6.4 miles west of Tatum, in the Oak Hill Field, the Gladney Gas Unit Well No. 20 was completed by Sandridge Exploration and Production to 10,529 feet and potentialed 2.265 million cubic feet of gas on a 28/64-inch choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley.


Sojitz Energy Venture will drill the White Well No. 4H to 14,647 feet 12.1 miles southeast of Henderson in the Southeast Brachfield. The well is in the W. Tippet Survey, A-774.
Comment by DJG on July 17, 2010 at 18:46
E.Tx Drilling 7/18/10:


Valence Operating completed the Wallace Well No. 4 to 12,132 feet 5.4 miles southwest of Tatum in the North Carthage Field. The well potentialed 801,000 cubic feet of gas on a 20/64-inch choke. Production is in the Bossier Shale.


The Young Heirs Gas Unit Well No. 1H will be drilled to 15,000 feet 17.5 miles northeast of Henderson in the Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Field in the Hazel, S Survey, A-366.
Comment by DJG on July 12, 2010 at 17:20
E.Tx Drilling 7/11/10:


Verado Energy completed the Delta Gas Unit 1 Well No. 13 to 10,730 feet 4.8 miles southeast of Elderville in the Oak Hill Field. On a 24/64-inch choke the well potentialed 1.666 million cubic feet of gas in the Cotton Valley.

Anadarko E&P completed the Bailey Sheppard GU2 Well No. 12HH to 15,833 feet in the Carthage Field. On a 28/64-inch choke the well potentialed 5.205 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Haynesville Shale formation.
Comment by DJG on June 27, 2010 at 2:16
E.Tx Drilling - 6/27/10:


Rusk County

The Hudson Well No. 2 has been completed by El Paso E&P in the Minden Field. The well hit 10,950 feet 2.4 miles northwest of Henderson. Choke size and volume not available. Production is in the Travis Peak Consolidated.

Fidelity Exploration & Production completed the Jarrell Gas Unit Well No. 6 and the Harrell Gas Unit No. 1 Well No. 24 in the Southeast Brachfield Field.

On a 64/64-inch choke the No. 6 potentialed 380,000 cubic feet of gas. This well hit 11,610 feet 3.22 miles northwest of Minden.

On a 33/64-inch choke the No. 24 potentialed 2.234 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

The Minden Field has seen the Grissom Heirs - A- Well No. 3 completed by Davis Oil & Gas to 11,800 feet 10 miles southwest of Henderson. On an adjustable choke the well potentialed 222,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley Consolidated.
Comment by DJG on June 20, 2010 at 3:21
E.Tx Drilling - 6/20/10:


Rusk County

The Sheppard, Bailey GU 2 Well No. 12HH was completed by Anadarko E&P to 11,339 feet 21.7 miles northeast of Henderson in the Carthage Field. On a 28/64-inch choke the well potentialed 5.205 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Haynesville Shale.

Anadarko E&P completed the Major Kennedy Estate Well No. 30HH to 15,730 feet 18.8 miles northeast of Henderson in the North Carthage Field. On a 18/64-inch choke the well potentialed 7.091 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Bossier Shale.

The Trawick Field has seen the Christopher Well No. 1 drilled by BRG Lone Star to 8,950 feet five miles south of Mount Enterprise. On a 12/64-inch choke the well potentialed 603,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Pettit-Travis Peak Consolidated.

The Jarrell Gas Unit Well No. 7 and the Harrell Gas Unit No. 1 Well No. 17 will be drilled in the Southeast Brachfield (Cotton Valley) Field by Fidelity Exploration.

The No. 7 is 3.4 miles northwest of Minden in the G. Birdwell Survey, A-108. The No. 17 is 2.2 miles northeast of Minden in the B.A. Vansickle Survey, A-799.
Comment by jffree1 on June 6, 2010 at 7:15
East Texas Drilling Report 6/04/10:

On a 18/64 choke, the Major Kennedy Estate Well No. 30HH potentialed 7.091 million cubic feet of gas. Anadarko E&P completed the well to 11,376 feet 18.8 miles northeast of Henderson in the North Carthage Field. Production is in the Bossier Shale.

This well was reported under Panola County in error. The surface location is in the J. Walling survey, A-42, Rusk County.
Comment by DJG on June 6, 2010 at 2:54
E.Tx Drilling - 5/30/10:

Fidelity Exploration will drill the Kangerga Gas Unit No. 1 Well No. 9 to 12,000 feet 2.5 miles northeast of Minden in the Southeast Brachfield (Cotton Valley) Field. This well is in the B.A. Vansickle Survey, A-769.

Valence Operating will drill the Stoker Heirs Well No. 3 will hit 13,000 feet 2.2 miles southeast of Elderville in the Carthage (Haynesville Shale) Field.

The well is in the J. Matthews Survey, A-24 and may be drilled in the Oak Hill (Pettit, Travis or Cotton Valley) Fields.

Valence Operating will drill the Bath Unit Well No. 2 to 12,500 feet 3.3 miles southwest of Tatum in the Carthage (Haynesville Shale). The well is in the A.S. Survey, A-350 and may be drilled in the Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field.

Rusk County

Three new wells were completed by SandRidge Exploration.

The Gladney Gas Unit Well No. 17 hit 10,611 feet 6.4 miles west of Tatum and potentialed 1.038 million cubic feet of gas on a 48/64 choke.

The Gladney Gas Unit Well No. 25 hit 10,615 feet 6.4 miles west of Tatum and potentialed 1.815 million cubic feet of gas on a 32/64 choke. These wells are in the Oak Hill Field with production in the Cotton Valley.

The Spikes Gas Unit No. 1 Well No. 24 hit 10,816 feet 5.1 miles southeast of Henderson in the Minden Field. This well potentialed 983,000 cubic feet of gas on a 48/64 choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley Consolidated.

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