I've heard of leases that are 3 years, 5 years, with or without a mandatory renewal, etc.

Are there LA law limits to the term of leases? Could the lease be 10 years, 20 years, 100 years?

I presume that if the property is sold, the lease would terminate 10 years after, unless HBP.

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You must have too much time on your hands.
Doesn't someone who takes the time to post "You must have too much time on your hands." have too much time on their hands, too?

Maybe? LOL! Yeah, I know...... I know, I resemble that remark also.
OK, now that we've had our fun,

Does anyone know of any legal minimum royalty percentages?

How low and how high a lease percentage have you ever seen? I've heard of 1/8 (12.5%) up to 1/4 (25%) as a somewhat common range? What have you seen?
I believe I've seen some 1/16's but that was a while ago and maybe not in Louisiana.
Mac. I can not comment on the legality question but I have seen leases with 27.5% and 30%. I have seen at least one state auction bid of 40% but it was unsuccessful as the bonus was low and the winning state bids that I have reviewed were awarded based on bonus. That 40% bid was back in the heady days of summer 2008 and I am quite sure that, in hind sight, the bidder is relieved not too have won.


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