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Is EOG still leasing?
either H2S, or they just love spending money. The correct spelling is $tainle$$.

Was it actually Stainless or Chrome/Treated?
My information says stainless. not chrome.
how well do the horizontals work with high liquid content? most HS wells I have heard of produce very dry gas. If prices stay as they are I would expect more activity in our area due to the rich content of the gas here. Do you agree?

Although I do not have any "hands on" experience with horizontal completions I can tell you that I have information from XTO that they are thinking seriously about a horizontal well in Smackover formation on my property . This well should produce relatively high volumes of oil and/or condensate. A few months ago they completed Murphy well, which is about 1/2 mile south of Ar/LA line in S2, T23N, R9W. It is in Smackover. They originally planned to drill it horizontal but changed it to vertical just before they drilled it. This well is classified as oil well. The point being that they apparently think it will work, and so do I. We plan to start drilling location in Sec. 11 in Oct. I say we, even though my WI is small. XTO will be operator. Will try to get more definitive info next time I visit with their geologists and engineers.
That sounds good. Don't you think we could see a boom in this area if a horizontal works well. Would they go in several directions on one location like the HS wells?

I wonder how or why these HS companies continue drilling and putting more gas on the market with prices as they are; and no sign of them going up.

I wonder about the continuance of drilling for gas right now. I suspect a large part of that is simply to hold those expensive leases. I do expect natural gas price to come back. When, I will not guess. But we must at some point greatly rely more on natural gas.

Yes, I would think they would drill in several directions in one well bore and if they have good success with oil production I could see a boom developing in the area.
They hauled in white rock at the well site, they are going to meter flare this well. Borders has also rented an office in Lewisville, so I would say that this thing just might take off. I am assuming the meter flare is just to see if there is any justification in putting in a pipeline.
do you know who has the nearest pipeline? where would they likely go with this gas?



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