Tom Fowler, of the Houston Chron, writes on Matt Simmons' belief that, he "simply doesn't believe all the gas is there that many believe and that the process of getting at it - the water-intensive hydraulic fracturing method - is a huge waste of otherwise drinkable water."

Chron Blog

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In his book about Saudi Arabia and oil he states that their production can't keep up with the pace of demand. So....if he doesn't think oil will get it done and natgas won't get it done....then what will get it done? It sounds to me like he likes discussing the problems without solutions. If, according to him, oil production can't keep pace with demand then the supply would drop thus increasing price which would in turn lead to other sources like natgas. Now, he says that natgas isn't there, but all data I've read says otherwise including the major price decline in natgas due in part to the over supply. Basically, I don't think he knows what he's talking about.
That is why any federal control over hydraulic fracturing is a bad thing. It lets the camel's nose get under the tent.
Next thing you know you have the whole, smelly camel in the tent with you.
Stupid Hurts That's why were all in pain.
I am not suprised. Like Tyra Banks said, "You can Kiss my fat ass"
Sounds to me like a liberal, the bad gas companies are wasting our drinking water........... I agree with Logan he doesn't know what he is talking about.
Liberals are control freaks Some of the most intolerant people in society.
Got Irony?
liberals and fracs aside , would'nt the seismic 3-d shoots provide proof that the gas supplies were there? as far as wasting all that good water, why doesnt someone figure out a way to recycle it for future frac jobs.
All seismic shows are the types of rocks and faults in the rock. Not the existance og hydrocarbons. I have seen many wells drilled on good seismic data that were dry holes.
The water can be recycled. Its not can it be done but is it worth the $$$$
thanks baron, i thought complex computer programs did indicate location and size of deposits.
and also, 3-d versus 2-d
If Matt Simmons think it is a waste of good drinking water to use it to produce more gas, he should try to heat and cool his home with water instead of natural gas, electricity or fuel oil.

Talk about a bunch of people with their heads in the sand.



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