I was looking at my well on sonris Sec 17 16n 15w. Just want to make sure it a horizantal and not a lateral. I saw on sonris its said measured vertical depth 11,000 feet. From my understanding I think its supposed to be horizantal. And to go even further I even think in my contract with cheasopeake, it could only be a horizantal. Are they throwing lateral rigs on property to hold lease because its cheaper. Am I a Dumb--- , does this make sense.
Young land owner

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240105 HA RA SUBB;WOOLLEY 17-16-15 H 001 C084 4780 09 00 017 16N 15W 08/13/2009

08/13/2009 01 17000 215' FNL & 588' FEL OF SEC 17. PBHL: 250' FSL & 380' FEL OF SEC 17. (REPERMIT-SER#238694-EXPIRED)

The above is a horizontal. Go to SONRIS, and view the permit.
YLO, the referenced well is permitted to 11,500' True Vertical Depth and 17,000' (Total) Measured Depth. Therefore this well is planned as a horizontal with a ~ 4905 ft lateral.

See attached well plot.

By the way, I have not seen a single DA on this website.
I have seen a few DA on this site, but there is no such thing as a dumb question.
Les B --
You haven't been reading any of the political discussions, have you?
Martin, typically not.
Les and Baron, Thank you so much for all the great information. Just for my knowledge, are they putting laterals on some pads instead of Horizantal because of price of nat gas to hold the lease.
YLO, I assume you mean vertical wells. I have not seen many vertical wells drilled to the Haynesville Shale in Louisiana during 2009. Most operators are drilling horizontal wells to hold acreage since they only have to drill one well for each section/unit.
There are some being permitted as horz, then drilled as a vert. Status then shows waiting on rig or waiting on pipeline, or something close to that. I am assuming that they are drilling the pilot hole with smaller (and cheaper and now more abundant) rigs, paying shut-ins if needed and will complete later at their conveinience.
Is this what SWEPI is doing with all those wells of theirs that aren't yet producing?
Baron, most of the wells you are referencing are simply being drilled by two different rigs with the 2nd rig having more horsepower and equipped with the top drive.

Petrohawk has been the primary company utilizing this approach but recently stated they will begin drilling all wells with a single rig per well.

I have not seen any wells permitted as a horizontal and then drilled and completed as a vertical.
ylo. When discussing Haynesville wells, the terms "horizontal" and "lateral" mean the same thing. Think of a capital letter L. The stem of the L is the vertical section and the leg is the horizontal or lateral section. Some companies use one rig to drill the vertical portion of the wellbore (spudder rig) and another to drill the horizontal or lateral portion of the wellbore.
Okay, gotcha. The information that is given by Les, Skip and the Baron are so helpful. I feel like I have been blessed to find this website and the great, smart people on it. I live in new orleans and if I did'nt have this information on this site I would be a dumba--. When ever yall are ready to do some saltwater fishing I owe you, my treat, just holler, rmmfish@aol.com. Its what I do for a living,
Young Land Owner


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