On September 3rd. Lumberjack Energy recorded seven O&G leases with the Caddo Parish Clerk of Court.  These are form leases with no addendum exhibit page for 2 year terms and royalties of one eighth and one fifth.  Lumberjack Energy with address listed in Atlanta Texas registered as an LLC with the Louisiana Secretary of State on August 28.  The leases cover mineral interests in Section 30 - 22N - 15W and residential lots in the Plainview Subdivision.  Lumberjack Energy is not listed as an operator by the LA Office of Conservation so is likely a land company.  Lessor beware.

I have posted this same discussion in the North Caddo Parish Group.  Generally I think that location specific discussion topics belong in the appropriate group.  I am making an exception in the hope that those who are not members of the North Caddo Group but who have family and friends in the Vivian area may be aware of these developments.  In order to keep all responses in one place I suggest that replies be posted to the group page discussion.

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"What a joke."  Please explain why ...

We just received our OOC Code Number (operator's code) from the Office of Conservation via email.

Lumberjack Energy, LLC was assigned code "L246".

I am definitely impressed with the speed at which the Office of Conservation and Secretary of State have processed our paperwork.

I hope to request well permits by the end of the month.

I am not sure how to respond to this thread or even if I should.  However, I place a great value on my reputation and have never been passive with anything.  I want to break the post down into what is true, what is partially true and what is fiction.

Fact:  Lumberjack Energy did record 7 leases in Caddo Parish.

Fact:  Lumberjack Energy is located in Atlanta, Tx and did register with the Louisiana Secretary of State on August 28.

Partial Truth : The leases do have royalties of either 1/5th or 1/8th.  Rest of the Truth - The 1/8th leases, and the only leases without addendums, are for 40ft x 100ft residential lots in a highly populated, unproven and risky area for operating wells.  These leases are also the only leases with 2 year primary terms.

False:  The leases have no addendums and 2 year terms.  Other than as explained in the "Partial Truth" the leases have terms of either 6 or 9 months, have depth restrictions and ASSIGNMENT restrictions.  The statement "Lumberjack ... is likely a land company." is unfounded and untrue.  Lumberjack will be the operator for every well under every lease we take.

Truth - Lumberjack Energy, LLC mailed the necessary forms and fees to the Office of Conservation in Baton Rouge, LA on September 3, 2013 to become an operator in the State of Louisiana.

Truth - Lumberjack Energy, LLC plans to drill and OPERATE wells in the Nacatosh sands in the Caddo Pine Island field.

The only thing Lumberjack Energy, LLC is guilty of is chasing the American dream and being new!  However, with honesty, hard work, diligence, integrity and with fair, mutually beneficial partnerships with mineral & surface owners in the Caddo Pine Island field, I plan to operate for many years to come.


Amen Brother!! As a small shallow operator I understand where you are coming from.  Good luck to you!

Thanks for setting the record straight, Lumberjack.

Your honesty is appreciated.  Looks like a good target for some productive wells.

Good luck.

Nice to have our pseudo industry experts (what a joke) confront a truthful player. Good luck lumberjack, hit a few homeruns.

I will add, that although I feel the undertones of Skip's original post were negative, I do NOT feel Skip had ill intentions.  As has been his custom on this site, I feel he was simply alerting surface and mineral owners based on the information available.  I respect Skip Peel and I am impressed by the information he has provided on this site.  I would like to keep this thread positive and appreciate the acknowledgements and support.

Lumberjack, when I checked the O of C database there was no listing for you as an operator.  That got my antenna twitching.  Your explanation reveals why that was so.  Yes, it is true that the one eighth royalties are for residential lots.  Members can make up their own minds as to whether that is appropriate based on your contention of risk.  The two leases for acreage, not the ones for residential lots, do have exhibit pages and the addendum does restrict the depth leased from the surface to 1500'.  I overlooked those, my apology.  My concerns are lessened now that I know you are an operator and that you acted in good faith to restrict your leases to the depth you plan to drill.  I hope you make some good wells.

Good Luck Lumberjack!

After reading this thread, I feel better about blogs in general.  I'm sure that won't last, but I appreciate (a) Lumberjack jumping in and setting the record straight and (b) Skip Peel owning his post.  this blog is generally helpful to me, but one has to walk quickly (and carefully to avoid messing your shoes up) past so much ... stuff ... on this and most blogs to find those things that are of value, that it is a refreshing breath of fresh air to see posts like this.  Alas, still waiting for one or two others to own-up like Skip did.


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