I received lease papers for some land that my family has mineral interest in the NW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 17 all in Township 17 South, Range 19 West.  Could someone tell me what the going rate might be for this area.

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Pinebelt Energy Resources Corportation

You are smart to do that.  Do you have any new info about offers?  M

I have been leasing in South Arkansas for years at $100 per acre. Now the companies are paying $175 and $200. I took Border's money in Lafayette County and they drilled a dry hole. I'll be glad to take anybody's money that will pay that much in Columbia County too. It sounds like when my granddad took Amoco's money 40 years ago and they drilled one well in the county and left.
I've been working south Arkansas for many years and $100-$150 per acre, 1/6th - 3/16ths royalty and a 3 year term is more than reasonable.
I hate to ask "well maybe not" just what oil company do you work for?
Any idea why Pinebelt pulled out of Columbia County? Who do you hear they are leasing for?
Pinebelt is leasing in Union County now. Is Triad a lease broker or oil company?
I agree. 100.00 per acre was paid to mineral right owners when oil was 15.00 a barrel. Now its what, 85.00. I believe that even offering 100.00 an acre is an embarassment to the company which is offering it!
I agree and no less than 1/4 royalty!

I agree with you 100%,while the bonus amount can be negotiated around all the considerations and by the motivating factors for each party,the 25% royalty has pretty much become the minimum a landowner should expect and demand.

I think you are right on target. Certainly no-one will ever get Haynesville shale $ for leases. The last time I leased shallow rights on my property I gave it to Heritage w/out bonus $ but, just for 6 months with guarantee to drill at a mutually agreeable location and with 1/4 royalty. Guess what, we got dry hole. We just drilled to 4400 ft.

Anyway, in my book the royalty and length of time trumps bonus payments every time. I think most people do not agree with me on this. But, it has worked well for me.
When Oil was 15.00 a barrel we could drill a well for 80k,....

Its all about economics.
My aunt in New Mexico was offered $175 and acre with 3/16%. Haven't heard from her this week, but suggested she wait for $200 and acre. What is the current offer for royalty? Just want to get the best we can.


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