Just a note on the discussion about Shale Under the Haynesville, CGG Veritas is starting to conduct a new lease of Seismic with the smackover as the target. I was told this time it is for all the oil under the Haynesville. This will be the 5th time someone that knows the play has mentionedit and this now confirms, something is there. Belive it or not but just was contacted by Veritas last week, along with Neighbor, We havbe active Hayensville wells on our preoperty and we Seismic tesed last summer. , Any other stories mare welcome.

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yahoo business has a good article today on getting oil out of shale formations in several gas fields (Haynesville was not mentioned). Tried to put the link in here, but it just won't work. Not my week to get along with computers

Still a lot of talk of oil.They are getting a lot of oil from shale,a good example is the bakken field up north .What is the possability of that here? Has anyone seen any of the siesmic results?

The Smackover has a number of intervals or reservoirs.  The SMK RA and RB have been explored and produced for many decades particularly along the AR./LA. border.  The current interest is in the Lower Smackover as a possible horizontal drilling target as the formation is "tight".  In the areas where the L SMK is a likely oil target, the Haynesville Formation is Sand, not Shale.  In the area of the Haynesville and Bossier Shale Play the Lower SMK is much deeper and it is unlikely to be an oil bearing formation due to temperature and pressure.  The seismic shoots are being conducted for Haynesville and Bossier exploration purposes.  Although they likely include the SMK, they are not conducted specifically in an effort to find oil below the shale.  If the oil below the shale rumor had any substance, there would be evidence for those that know where and how to look. 
The folks doing the seismic  confirmed  that there were  layers of organic matter  under the shale two years ago.  Off the record  of course and the big oil is here  if the oil exists after the gas is out of the way.

Thankyou for the OIL thread I'd like to see more info on that. Do we need to start a Smackover Page? Bring it on!!

I work in Carthage Tx. I have it on good source that they are siesmic testing Panola county for oil.

Suzan, there is already a Smackover Group,  "The Smackover All Over"!  Seismic testing for oil does not necessarily pertain to the Smackover formation.  And those looking for oil in the Smackover should be looking in the area of the AR./LA. state line although you Texicans are welcome to extend that line westward as you please.  In fact since we already have a number of members in LA. and AR. following SMK activity, you could track E. TX.
Somebody tell me if this means anything.  242238 CV RA SUC;HOOD 17-13-7 H 001 in the Ashland field shows a proposed TVD of 15300', MD of 20300.  Another recent CV in the Ashland shows TVD of 10724/MD of 15494.  The HA wells in Ashland are ranging between 12000-13500 TVD, around 17-18000 MD.  Is it common for a proposed TVD to be that far below what is producing?  This well was spud on 1/14, so I don't see much.
It means that the well is permitted to those depths, not that it will necessarily be drilled to those depths.  It is quite common for companies to use the same TVD and MD depths on all their wells targeting the same formation in an area.  When you look back later at the completed wells it turns out that none were drilled that deep.  In the Ashland Field CHK is likely drilling CV wells and HA wells.  The one you mention had a permitted TVD of 12,800' but was only drilled to 10,724' and MD of 15,494' instead of 17,600'.  Quite a difference.  This is a CV horizontal well.  CHK may have liked what the saw at the shallower depth in their vertical well bore.  Another well permitted to 13,500' TVD has an actual depth of 12,976', not only closer to the permitted depth but considerably deeper than the CV well.  This is a HA horizontal well.  The fact that both wells have CV unit designations can be confusing without realizing that the depth definition of the CV in these Ashland Field units includes both the CV and the HA.
I'm told there's all kinds of seismic testing being conducted all through Panola and Harrison Counties.  I've actually seen the trucks running in a convoy on state highway 31 between Marshall and Elysian Fields... and i've been told by a number of people of a well that's pumping 2,000 barrels of oil a day south of I-20 and highway 43.
have heard there are 2 pumping oil and they are below the Haynesville in that area
I've heard the rumor from three different, unconnected individuals.  I can not find anything in the public record to confirm or deny the rumors.  The rumors have interesting variations.  Besides the range in supposed production mentioned above, there is not two producing wells but one with another currently permitted to the same depth in the same vicinity by a much larger energy company.  When you get laymen passing stories around the facts can get changed or exaggerated very quickly.  Keep in mind that oil under the Haynesville has been a big rumor in the southern portion of the LA. HA/BO Play for over a year now.  There are no wells that prove that rumor accurate to date.
I am trying to get serial numbers for you. Anadarko is driller


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