On the Cover of Rolling Stone - Aubrey McClendon & The Scam Behind the Gas Boom

Dang!  This might spoil my pleasant memories of reading Rolling Stone Magazine when I was in college.  The March 15, 2012 issue will have an article about Fracking and Natural Gas. It's staring our favorite guy, Aubrey McClendon who shows off his wine collection to a Rolling Stones reporter!!!!  Maybe Aubrey also read Rolling Stone in college and maybe that's why he seems to have dropped his guard in this interview.


And, how about this catchy sub-headline .... The Big Fracking Bubble:  It’s not only toxic – it’s driven by a right-wing billionaire who profits more from flipping land than drilling for gas.  While the article has a bunch of quotes about the business of natural gas it really drives its point home with quotes from Aubrey.


"We're the biggest frackers in the world," he declares proudly over a $400 bottle of French Bordeaux at a restaurant he co-owns in his hometown of Oklahoma City. "We frack all the time. What's the big deal?"


Overall my impression of the article is that Aubrey trusted the Rolling Stone reporter far too much.  Rolling Stone Magazine was huge in our generation.  I would be tickled pink to be interviewed by Rolling Stone.  I can see him dropping his guard and not realizing the PR trap he was walking into.


For those familiar with the business side of natural gas the inaccurate (or slanted) parts are easy to spot - however, for those familiar with Aubrey McClendon, the public relations flaws are also easy to spot.  He's brilliant, but impulsive. I don't think he's a crook - but he is driven by his vision.  So was Steve Jobs, and recent biographies show what a flawed guy Jobs was.  Maybe that's what it takes to make history?  Both men clearly want to make history.  Personally, I think giving the world more natural gas is better than giving the world Ipods (yeah, Apple's a great computer, but does it deserve to be valued more highly than Exxon-Mobil in the market??)




Here's the original Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show song "On the Cover of Rolling Stone". One of the great novelty songs of all time - with the lyrics.


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You got a dose of today's reality.  Lots of things with same name are vastly different ducks then they were back in the day.  The democratic party isn't what it used to be..its now the Socialist party.  If you want to be one that's great but your mothers and grandmothers still think its the same and its not.  Rolling Stone turned on you did it? 

Just about everything in the print industry is owned and controlled by left thinking people.  Been that way a long time. 

I used to watch JFK on TV..much prettier then Nixon.  And he could talk so pretty.  But after his speeches we would look at each other and ask "what did he say? "  Well it was prettier then watching sneaky looking big nosed sweaty Nixon  and face it, watching Jackie in her glamour was lots more fun then watching tight lipped Pat Nixon.

We saw illusions.

Guess this guy hasn't given up smoking the stuff some of the people I knew were smoking while reading his Rolling Stone..

Gas is going to be attacked.  Driven down.  The regime' does not want fossil fuels.  Its not going to have it.

If it means that we all become green. 

We will be back paying deposits on drink bottles, hanging clothes out to dry, mowing grass with a push mower, and riding bicycles to work if we can find it.  Work that is.  How are we going to ventilate our houses?  My windows won't open and if they did the bad guy would be thru one first night.

But its Obama's plan for us.  Oh and go find your great grandmother's wash board. 

I think he is going to get another 4 years.  dig out your old oil lamps too. 

This guy grew up in a land of thatch huts in Indonesia.  He harks back to his roots for us all.


Now I remember why I hate that rag. 

bushwhacked by a leftwing propagandist.  who couldn't have seen that coming?  aubrey "margin call" mcclendon, i guess.  hey smart guy, it's called google.  you should use it sometime.

one part of the article i agree with is that mcclendon is reckless.  the vast majority of the rest is typical hatchet job fare you'd expect from a watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) like goodell.

And don't forget the wash pot which you will need on wash day and hog killing day!! If you need some help call me as I am experienced with these things. Also need a 2 man crosscut saw to cut the wood to keep fireplace going.

Seriously, what are y'all gonna do about our dilemna?


Aubrey Sanders

I have the wash pot...really.  Its in my yard all ready for the hog..bring the saw I have the timber.  Or as the city guy said as the tree fell..."Lumber!"

Indeed I have the crosscut 2 man saw. I have forgetable memories of using it to cut far wood. And I can get a wild hog on my land in Shongaloo. Perhaps we can have good old North Carolina pick picking. Learned how to cook whole hog in a pit in the ground during 10 years I spent working in N.C. You may want to learn the art of cooking that way for the days ahead.

who you gonna get to run that ol misery whip with ya, not me :p


"I don't think He's a crook."   Really (?)   "He" runs a Publicly Traded Company with SHAREHOLDERs' and now UNITHOLDERs' moneys... as well as DEBTHOLDERs' moneys...  LIKE HE'S RUNNING HIS OWN PRIVATE EQUITY KINGDOM...  And We are all his "fiefs."  CHK et al, lacks the necessary fundamental principal set for all PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANIES...  Fiduciary Responsibility FIRST. 

Mr. Chesapeake has the narcissist's fatal flaw:  NARCISSISM.  He is eaten up with it, and That is what gets his PR Persona into trouble.  He cannot help himself.  His self Grandiosity knows no bounds, and CHK et al is his KINGDOM.

Nobody threw Mr. Chesapeake under the Rolling Stone bus but CHK himself.  He isn't naive, and he certainly didn't arrive on the "O&G" wagon just yesterday.  He is smart, manipulative, cunning, and his "Business moral acumen" is self-serving to a fault... IMO ...Almost the opposite of his Public more-altruistic-Shale-Slanted PR show.  And, that, IMHO, is what always seems to "slip" him up when "speaking."   Remember Christopher Helmans' Forbes Article a few months ago, entitled "The Two Sides of Aubrey?"   Neither Forbes nor RS Magazine forced AM to "trust" them "too much."  IMHO.

He is grandiose in His World of  "ALL Things Aubrey," and that is why Rolling Stone Magazine saw the door open and maximized "their" opportunity to "exploit"  the "Man Who Would Be King."  RS Magazine, shall I say it... "Flipped One Over On Aubrey."  LOL   AM should be very familiar with "flipping."

"We're the biggest frackers in the world..."   What I couldn't do with that line...  LOL

DrWAVeSport Cd1 3/2/2012

P.S.  CHK Pony Express arrived yesterday, two months after the Quarter Ended.  And, CHK says they are "cutting a check." 

I can't wait to see what the "biggest frackers in the world" will be sending.   LOL

(Just couldn't help it HANG...)   Thanks for the GHS Discussion Post.





Here is Chesapeake's response to the Rolling Stone article. It was a worthwhile gamble, RS reaches a big audience who are undecided on fracking. It does not really hurt the industry, and it could have helped.



don't buy chk's damage control spin... they got suckered.  period.  that's like saying, well the lump of coal i stuck up my butt could have turned into a diamond, but instead i got a rectal infection.

how many eyeballs do you think will see RS's article, or links to the article by others used to validate their ridiculous opinions, versus eyeballs who will see the rebuttal?  the headline says it all.

Another Liberal Outlet. Run by Morons. Just like MTV. Not about the Music anymore. Used for political Trash!! Time is another one. Would never buy them myself.


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