Folks not holding minerals are really up a creek.

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Thanks for the find.  This seems to be an update to the NYTimes piece that ran Oct. 2011 per gov. loans/mortages on "leased" properties per O&G fracking.

I wonder what the Agriculture Dept.'s policy per other mineral leasing and "mortage loans" is...Coal? Mining? etc. 

I wonder where that leaves mineral owners like me who don't have a "lease," but are "technically" speaking under a "unit" section force-pooled "leasing" type situation.  ?????  No lease...technically.  Does that mean my property would be exempt????

Another day, Another dilemma!  LOL

Thanks again for the GHS FYI.

DrWAVeSport Cd1 3/19/2012


How about mortgages around Nuclear Power Plants????

This could be a big game changer.  Be sure to read all the comments and see what the readers think of this.

This is what happens when the government gets their fingers in the pie.

D.C. is a maelstrom of mental cripples! Why do you seem surprised by such absurd proposals?

Perfectly stated Mr. Minton.

Your welcome, Dr. I thought the article would be of interest.

The whole thing is troublesome on a variety of levels. Feels like a chess game between govt and industry. Ultimately, individual land owners are left out of decisions made regarding their property. This feeling has become familiar.

The winners, as usual, will be the lawyers.



YEA!!!  The Dept of Ag is backing down from these new regulations! Here is a Bloomberg report.  This looks like they are dropping the whole idea because O&G is exempt from other rules.  This is not over. I think the anti-frackers will continue to seek this, but at least the Dept of Ag is backing away for today ... can anyone say "Election Year"???



and, the Huff Post says that Gasland director Josh Fox is really whizzed off about the dept of ag turn around.  What's interesting are the number of pro-gas comments on one of the most liberal blogs in the US.  I hope that means that the industry is getting the word out there. The Comments are more interesting than the new story - except it's cool to read Josh Fox is angry :)


"Election Year!"

Thanks Hopeful.

Why else would President Obama be in Cushing, OK today...Promoting the OK/TX TransCanada Keystone Pipeline by "Section?"

Talk about "straddling the pipeline fence."   Hope he doesn't pull a groin muscle... LOL 

How bizzare Life gets in a U.S. Presidential Election Year.

Those AG "regulations" are almost as idiotic as LA Stat Rep. "Alligator Jack" Montoucet's bill (massively misleadingly) called "Louisiana Land Owners Protection Act." 

U.S. just "hires" some reeeeeaaaaal wisdom-free-wingdings.

I'm listening to CNBC as I "Shale," and U.S. Rep. Markey is NOW SAYING he IS NOT AGAINST the Keystone Pipeline....  He wants a GUARANTEE THAT CANADIAN OIL WILL STAY IN U.S.  And... Markey adds, "THERE IS NO FOREIGN MARKET FOR U.S. NATURAL GAS...." 

Then, pray tell...  Why are BHP Billiton, CNOOC, Total, etc... ALLOWED TO TAKE U.S. SHALE OIL & GAS...Through THEIR DEALS WITH CHK, SD, etc., etc., etc.???????

No One in Congress Told those "Countries" NO DEAL unless ALL Nat Gas STAYS IN U.S.


We have lost our minds....

DrWAVeSport Cd1 3/22/2012 



Doc, did I read it wrong, or did you post that you weren't actually from La.?

You be a transplant, eh?  Politics in La.?  In D.C.?  Who can be objective with all of this stuff?  Follow the money.  Everyone has their own dog.  It's all about money, is it not?

And power.  And ego.

Fair?  Where?  Who is objective when it comes to making or losing money?  Are you totally objective?  Are any of us?  Or are you simply feathering your own nest (as most are)?

Quid pro quo.  What's good for the pot/kettle.  Hypocrisy of the judgmental mind (can be hard to fathom objectively).  Freud?  Jung?   C'mon, Doc.  We know you mean well, but aren't you asking, preaching a bit much on some of this stuff?

Just sayin'.  And your wicked posting style is unconventional, too, yet quite readable, ignoring all the style issues. 

Some might not even know the history of how La. politics evolved over all of this, going back the last 100 years.  An interesting study, if you haven't actually read up on La. mineral/big oil history.  Us backward, uneducated Purchase hicks (back when La. was one of the poorest states in the lower 48) may see things a bit differently than the better educated sophisticated transplants who've moved to La. to reap the bounty.  Such harsh hardscrabble poverty, years back, wasn't for the faint of heart.

Just a POV.  And you know we like you, Doc.  Anyone who fights CHK is a team player, in this avatar's book.

Anyway, teasing aside, saw this in the news last night that Conoco/P., BP, and XOM are trying to do a deal to ship LNG from Alaska to Asia.

A $40 billion deal.


Another political football, that.

GoshDarn, not everyone on GHS lives in the Ark-La-Tex but most of us agree on the core issues that GHS discusses.  We might place more emphasis on safety or some other aspect of drilling, but everyone on this board wants drilling (at least on their own land) Personally, I am also interested in new uses for natgas. I see natgas as a Freedom Fuel for the US and worldwide. But, I don't believe in overly trusting the industry either in the drilling or payment for natural gas!  Not many on GHS trust CHK or most of the other companies in our field.


I did not know that Doc was a transplant. That does explain a lot.  His typing style could be mimicking a natural Yankee accent. Read it as if you were listening to a Yankee doctor talk. I sort of like doc's typing style. It's like an extension of doctor's handwriting. I could see it being useful in consults between doctors to emphasis certain words. Maybe they teach it in medical school?  Or,  doc might just be dramatic and this is how he express himself. Most likely it's the latter (or is it laddar? or ladder?)


I was born and raised in the countryside of Caddo Parish. My family has been in the Ark-La-Tex for at least 5 generations.  But, I hitchhiked to the Left Coast when I was 25.  At first it was just for a job in railroad construction. Then, I met my future wife ... 


Today I just own a small piece of the old farm in East Texas. I still travel down there when a friend dies and I hope to spend a few weeks there later this year interviewing some old timers I knew when I was growing up to get their memories before they are gone.  My oldest and closest friend has never forgiven me for "abandoning" Louisiana when she needed all of her LSU educated sons!  What does that make me?? (and why do i take these post so seriously??)


I do love the Northwest.  I can drive 80 miles West and be on the beach of the Pacific Ocean or I can drive 80 miles east and make a snow ball in the Cascade Mountains even in August.  I'd love it if CHK paid me enough so I could afford a vacation back home to Louisiana once a year without the need for a friend to die to justify the expense. lol!



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