I still use page 11 from Petrohawk's 06.02.08 Powerpoint presentation to plot applications for units and I've noticed lately the NE fringe is finally being explored. I don't know if the news will be good or bad, but we shall know something before the end of the year. Any news for T18?

Recent Applications S-T-R Field Parish
09-775 28-19-11 Sentell Field Bossier
09-762 29-17-10 Elm Grove Field Webster

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Wayne, yep it is heating up in t17 in webster and bienville. PHk seems to be the only real player now. I hope the bit proves the play and some competion moves in. Good luck I hope you get a good offer and a great well!
I was called this evening about Petrohawk drilling on my land for a well in a different section. Does anyone know what they have been paying for land damages?
Geoff, what section township and range is your property?
Consult an experienced O&G attorney. You should be compensated for the value of the surface location and associated access over and above any damage provisions.
239152 SN is a BEUSA well in desoto ph. that seems to be a good well. BEUSA is in section 18 17N-10W and has build the location but has not moved on lets hope they make a good well.
SONRIS has production on the Samson well in sec 18 17N-10W as 80MM for May and 113 MM for June full month 3.77 MM a day not bad if choked back??????????
Do you have a well # for the above well. I am having trouble locating it.
239201 SN in section 12 T17N-R11W sorry about the 18 that is the BEUSA well in T17N-R10W
Does anyone know about activity in Sec 29 T19-10W? Presently unleased and haven't heard of any lease activity or active drilling?
LWC, there was a thrust of leasing activity in early 08 in 19-8, 9, and 10. I look for these to be drilled before activity gets serious in our area to determine the viability of the shale. Then I look for things to be hot and heavy around the Minden area, IMO.

I was wondering if you feel like the area near Minden will be productive. This would be in the area Jack B2 has stated above. I know Petrohawk leased acreage in the spring and summer of 2008 for 2k-4k per acre on a 3 year 25% lease. Petrohawk has stated that this area will be productive when the price of natural gas goes up if I am reading their latest map correctly. I wonder if they will try and drill some vertical wells in these sections to hold the area by production or do you feel like they will let these leases expire and concentrate their capital in the core areas? Any insight would be appreciated.

I do not have any specific information regarding the Minden area. I suspect that there may be some well completions this year that will give us a better idea. In general I think the Petrohawk statement is likely correct regarding areas outside the core. For example, north Caddo and north Bossier will probably get drilled at some time in the future but at what price, who knows? With a steady increase in drilling across multiple shale plays, I don't think the gas glut is going away any time soon. It is possible that Petrohawk would drill verticals to HBP but I suspect that if they find themselves in that type of financial bind, they will spend those development dollars in a more prospective area of the Play.


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