Welcome. Make sure you read this. It will give you a feel for the beginnings of the site.

ALERT: If you have question about leasing in your area, be sure to join a specific parish group and post the qustion there.
Dig deep on here.

There is a alot of information. I am in the process of categorizing it, but it takes some time. The site began in late May and we have had over 1500 posts not counting the parish/county group discussions. Be sure to join your county/parish group. Alot of information is shared here and the discussions tend to get to heart of the matter. If you have a question about leasing in your area, this is the place to post it.

Also, get acquainted with the website. There are a bunch of gadgets on here, but they are easy to learn.

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Alright, time to make your first post below. Tell us howdy or hello or whatever is on your mind. Thanks!

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Views: 565

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Replies to This Discussion

HI, i live in Vivian, La., several people have been approached about leasing their land here. I found out via a town meeting that we had in august. I was wondering if you have any information as to "who" might be up here approaching people. I nor my neighbors have been approached yet. Is the leasing program slowing down a bit? It seems the gas people were in a feeding freenzie about getting everyone signed up & maybe it is just taking time to get to around all of us.
Please join your parish group ank inquire there...
Same thing has happened to us today. We have land in Natchitoches Parish ,only we were contacted by a Realtor from Natchitoches, who says her client is ready to offer quite a substantial amount for our land. We don't want to sale and find out later that our land was worth 100 times more than the offer we've received. Any ideas how we can find out who this "client" is? We don't want to sale our land and find out that this has been a scam, and that this "client" will end up rich off us.
i live in the heart of southern hills, i wonder if any one has gotten any offers?????? queenpeg
join the bossier group and post there for specific questions. thanks.
Good Afternoon:

I'm a newby, however, I have interest in numerous caddo and bossier properties. The trouble is I know nothing if what to do first. If you know of anything going on in Bossier Sec 4, Sec 24, Sec 31 & 32, please post to me
diddo for you, join the parish group and inquire there...
I'm a newby:
If you know of any activity or groups in Caddo Sections 4, 10, 12, 15, 18, 25 33, 34, 35, please write or post back, thanks
ALERT: If you have question about leasing in your area, be sure to join a specific parish group and post the qustion there.
Hi i am also new to this site have approximately 5 acres in 18-15-11. I finally gave in an signed with Mr. Castillano (was not on the initial list) but was told that he would need a few extra people to fill in the required 90% he would need because some people were finding out they didn't own there rights and others had actually already signed with someone else. Anway I signed up and and after calling the other day was told that the original list was guaranteed the 15,250 and some had already gotten their checks and they were 80% sure that they were going to include those that signed late but could not guarantee this. Has anyone else heard anything else. They said I could send a letter and get off the list if I wanted but to be honest I was kind of hoping that this was a done deal.
A long timer still wants to know what feeders are -- do they cost extra?


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