There is a well(spud) going in at Dawson Acres off Jefferson-Paige Rd the end of July or the beginning of Aug. Are there any of you in that area besides me ? I'm in contact with a landman with Sampson but am not leased as yet....he hasn't even approched me with a lease proposition yet. Was wondering about anyone else that could be associated with that well. My son and I are really grateful for this site and all the wonderful education we are gleening from it. Thank you.

Tags: Herren, Pat

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He gave us advice and offered his help at our request. He also offered his help to anyone else in Sampson well area . His number is 6261400 if anyone needs it. Leave a message and he will call you back. We have told Sampson what we want in a lease and upon approval with the company we will be receiving a lease and a bonus check in the mail. Before we cash that check we will review the lease and if we have any problems with the language we will run it by Mr Bowers and work out the problems before signing it. It was also explained to us by the landman that royalties will come, if the well is good ,in 100-200 days after the well is put in. We had misunderstood that it would be 2 years ....not so. Will keep you updated on this well.



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