From Sonris

3-20-10 spud date
3-22-10 set 10 3/4" to 1834'
4-1-10 drilling @ 9165'
4-8-10 drilling @ 9900'
4-23-10 drilling @ 11,450'
4-30-10 11655' set 7 5/8"
5-6-10 drilling @ 12770'
5-14-10 drilling @ 16,200'

This well is permitted to 12600' TVD and 17200 measured depth
derill baby drill howled Jack Blake!
4600' lateal

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The rig was being moved last Saturday - May 22nd.
OK - The well is drilled.
So what comes next?
Have they already ran their multi stage frack job? (I do not think so, but really don't know)
Do they have to come back and do the frack and then run production tubing?
Will they wait to do this after they have a P/L infrastructure in the area?
They are still flagging P/L routes and I think still buying P/L ROW's.
Jack wanted to get a pic when the derrick was up, but never got over there to get a pic until last Friday and by then they had the derrick down. Jack was gonna make that his pic on GHS.
T 10 N R 11 W Matthew Murray #21 yahhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooo screamed Jack Blake
typically, they wait to frac until the pipeline is ready. Also, many times the tubing is not run until several months later.
Ok Baron - please bare with me. Is it that they may not run tubing until several months after the frac...Is this correct?
Or is it they can run the tubing a few months after the drill and then continue to wait until the P/L is ready before fracking?
Does the frac have to happen before tubing is ran? I would think so, but don't know.
I do realize if they had a P/L they could drill, complete, flowback and produce all in a row one after another.

In all offshore wells it is the flowing tubing pressure you are looking at (you watch casing pressures to, but the FTP and choke size is what tells the story).
When I read about HS wells I read about the flowing casing pressure...........What's up with that?
An inquiring mind wants to know.........
Most operators will wait to frac until the pipeline is ready. This way the can flowback as soon as possible and sell the gas into a pipeline. otherwise they would have to wait to flowback or flare the gas. I don't know about you, but I would rather wait than see my gas go up in flames (no you don't get paid for it).

From the wells we have been invovled in, The well is fraced, and after a few months of flowback/testing/production tubing is run to the bottom of the vertical section. I do not know why they wait to run tubing, unless it has somthing to do with getting the pressure down (or maybe recover as much of the frac water first) but I just don't know. Maybe someone like Les can answer that.

As to offshore... all I know about offshore drilling is that the platforms make good fishing spots (at least they used too)
Jack, my take is they wait until the flowback rate for the frac water has dropped substantially before running production tubing so there is not too much restriction in the flow path. As Baron stated it can be several months after the well was placed on production before the operator will install the production tubing (ex 2 & 3/8 inch).

By the way, that is the reason the initial test includes a flowing casing pressure (FCP) rather than a flowing tubing pressure (FTP).
Here is your Picture that I took on 3/22 . I live just north of it about a half mile. CenterPoint Field Services has the gathering contract so they will build the line.
Thanks pelkid



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