The Greer #1 serial # 240233 is being drilled, the well pad is in sec 10 the bottom hole is in sec 15. the land owners in sec 10 signed a basic lease with no clauses under the assumption that they would get royalties off the well, they signed a few weeks before the rig was moved in. Now they have found out that they will get no royalties at all, also the drilling pad is 10 ft this is not a typo i said 10 ft from there house, the well bore is less than 300 ft from the house. this goes to show to do your home work and never trust the o&g to do the right thing tim umo

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The o&g are saying the fracs are going in sec 15 not 10 also when the pad was built they changed drainege and flooded 2 of the land owners homes. The pad is on top of a big hill right behind their house tim umo
what the land owners are telling me is sec 10 is in a different unit to sec 15. Im hoping some of our more knowlegable folks on here could help figure this out
Have to see some more details but this is possible; surface location in one section but the well can be kicked out and drilled to another section where the horizontal lateral will be located and the frac's placed.

Now, the surface locations should be covered by a surface use agreement of some sort and I believe there are reg's on how close to homes/structures the well can be located. But without the details, some of this is hard to figure.
Tim UMO,
First I have to say I am so sorry to hear about these landowners. They cannot drill a well located closer than 500 feet without the owners giving permission no matter whose land it is on. Check out this link for the laws on this RS 30:28:

Is the wellbore on their land? But this drilling on one section into another section is becoming more of a normal thing due to them being able to get the lateral longer.
Earlene the barefooted UMO
Earlene, thanks for the link, no the well bore is not on their property. they where not told when they signed that they where not in the unit so they signed a waiver to allow them drill closser, sec 10 is right on the lake and sec 15 is under the lake tim umo
Tim UMO,
No just breaks my heart that these people were run over.
Earlene the barefooted UMO
Wait, they signed a waiver to let them drill closer? Why would they do that? Makes it pretty difficult to try and get anything "fixed" if they signed the waiver giving a company permission.
Tim UMO,
OK, I answered my own question and pulled up the permit paperwork.

If one of these is the landowner, then they gave permission for this well to be that close.
Earlene the barefooted UMO
Thanks again Earlene for taking time on this. it is a shame and go's to show do your home work before you sign any thing
Exactly Tim. You are right. Do not sign anything that you do not check out.
How do you pull these things up? Where do you go to find these filings?
Good Morning Henry,
Here's how I do it:
First I downloaded the FileNET Panagon IDM Viewer.
That way I can save the documents to my computer. I use a different brower than IE and it's just easier.

Then I use this link to pull up the docs:
(Note: you have to copy and paste the whole addy)
Now once there, I use different ways to search for the info I am looking for. This is an Oracle program which should work better than it does. To me it is that they don't have it indexed as well as it could be. If you fill in too many, it just doesn't pull it up. But the easiest way is to just put in the serial number(scroll down - it's the last on the list), leaving everything else blank & don't change the toggles @ the top(Office & Doc type) This is how I pull up the permits(plats included), amended permits, Well History, Elogs, Potentials(drillstem test), Directional log, Reserve Pit, Lease Inspection, some old production(but don't depend on it lol) oh and salt water disposal forms

If you want to look at all the files for a certain field, just fill in the Field Code leaving everything else blank. Those can be found here:
Doing it this way it will pull up the Field Order Books, for all the orders in that field. However, if you are looking for a recent doc, then use the Date(mm/dd/yyyy) and using the toggle for "greater than". That way you only pull up for a certain time. For instance, right now I am using 03/01/2009 and only get a couple of pages of docs. This is how I pull up the Field Orders.

You can also do a search by Operator Code using the date if necessary for Operators who have been around for awhile or have bought tons of wells to get to the current docs. It is the code that is on the well file or you can use this link off of Sonris:

Just play around with it. It helps by saving me a trip to the office. :-D However, you just have to go put your hands on the actual file. For instance, work permits aren't uploaded on DNR IDM.
Hope this helps.....
Earlene the barefooted UMO



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