experts--tell us about stacked laterals---I assume they are mutiple lateral legs at slightly different depths in same formation like bossier shale upper vs lower vs haynesville---but are they from same vertical hole or do they require drilling another well vertical bore and then lateral horizontal leg off into same formation one on top of the other. I looking at well that was permitted by GoodRich Petroleum in NNE Shelby county the R Dean Hays (SL) #1H and #2H. The plat look like drilled off same pad site but can not tell if same vertical hole or what---I assume this is good sign they found something good is 1st well that was spud about 5-6 weeks ago and #2H (SL) permitted today--look forward to reading knowledgeable reply to this discussion

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Adubu, Goodrich said the porosity was up to 15% but did not say that was the average over the entire interval. No one has provided an average porosity map for the entire Haynesville Shale play so not sure how it varies across Louisiana & Texas.

Core samples are generally required to do permeability analysis but that is not critical for shale formations.

Clay content, depth, thickness, gas composition and other factors are much more critical to well profitability.
I am assuming that the well has not been fraced as a "reliable source" e-mailed me that they are working on the right-of-way (pipeline) and that was Sunday. So, toward the end of last week, the pipeline work was taking place. This person is a relative, lives there, involved in many activities, etc. and is in a position to know. So, maybe we shall be able to get more factual info soon. I am curious about how they test he permeability, composition, thickness, etc. I have always been interested in the earth, geology, minerals, etc.
MARG--- Goodrich talked about the well on their conference call last week. Reported completion of drilling the #1H with 4800 ' lateral in haynesville and was moving rig over to start the #2H they will drill lateral into the bossier also about 4800'. Lots of information obtained during drilling I am sure, so they know thickness from logs most likely took core samples in each bossier and haynesville shale. So with logs and cores they would know porosity, compostion, and probably premeability, etc. It's good news that they are getting pipeline ready so in later in Nov. after drilling the #2H into Bossier they will then frac both laterals and place in pipeline for sell. Since they are stock company trading on NYSE we should get early report on the well's production data soon after completed. IMO tell you relative to keep us informed of activity on well
MARG, as Adubu said Goodrich must have drilled a vertical pilot hole thru the Haynesville that would have allowed them to log both the Haynesville Shale and Bossier Shale. This would give them the information for net pay thickness and porosity. I do not recall Goodrich saying they took a full core sample which would allow them to determine permeability.
I am not sure of the "pilot H*** as I have been a principal at different levels in large public schools and then worked in Criminal Justice Education. What it means there is not what you guys mean as the heat is not on this and there is not hell in the camp. I worked in the ER and SOB is shortness of breath and it does not mean that at school. Every career has its lingo, so help me out fellows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL (Just tempted to ask like that)!!!!
MARG, a pilot h-o-l-e (sorry for doing that) just means drilling vertically thru the formation first. Then pull back up h-o-l-e about 1000 ft above the target formation and then build the curve so you can drill horizontally thru the formation.

For later wells in the area, the operator will skip the pilot h-o-l-e and just go directly to the curve and horizontal lateral.
Thanks!!! I learn something every day; if I ever get it all together, I will be so old I will not need it anymore. LOL
A gentleman I know well passed there yesterday and the rig was down. They are working on the pipeline and it is felt that it will take quite a while as they are tying in with a new 24" line they are laying from somewhere. They thought maybe it was coming frm south of Center--maybe toward Carthage; they were uncertain but hope to know soon. They are thinking it may take quite awhile. Then, I suppose they will frac both the Dean #1 and #2. I will try to be in touch with people there as changes take place.
MARG---Thanks for update on the R Dean Hays well. Please let us know when they move frac tanks on to pad site. I am sure you have seen frac tanks on other wells before. They will be big blue or red Trailers like boxes that 18-wheeler pull and for two wells the pad site will be full of them many 40-50 in number if not more. There is already several gathering pipelines in the area so if they are waiting for the 24" line it could indication of a good well or it maybe business reason $ to wait on it. They can frac a shale well if and when frac crew available and let it shut-in without the pipeline this I understand will not harm a shale well on other hand a sand ot limestone formation well like Travis Peak or CV must be connect to pipeline or harm to well therefore will not frac these wells without pipeline



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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