i ran across this WSJ article on shale gas and liked the exciting sounding title. the article does focus on the long term affects of the world wide abundance of shale gas and how it "could" reshape the world. it's worth a read..IMHO, 

Huge discoveries of natural gas promise to shake up the energy markets and geopolitics. And that's just for starters.




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Very interesting article - I like the idea of no NG cartels that he mentioned.  There's a similar, but much less detailed article on the E&P magazine side that might be interesting as well...




I also saw some articles on the Haynesville in this month's issue, but they're not available on the web yet...

thanks for the link cooper, i especially liked the economics aspect of the article.  you mentioned NG cartels and i notice you work for an international firm, any first hand experience you can share?


Don't know what would be relevant.  I'm hearing that shale gas is gaining some traction in South America (I think it's Chevron that's going after it) and Russia, but that's all.  The international side has some unique risks that will be at play, and I don't think you can use the oil market as a proxy for the gas market.  Did you hear that Israel has made some significant gas finds recently?
Hi John I just read that yesterday and that 2 of the fields are off the coast and Lebanon is accusing Israel of extracting gas from their territorial areas. Lebanon has filed a complaint with the U.N. and Hezbollah is getting involved in the dispute. From your vantage point, what are you hearing about this? Does this become the next war between Israel and Lebanon? Who is cheating who? 
Hearing very little about that complaint right now, and I'm interested in what will happen.  I haven't seen any maps either.  If it's off Israel's coast, than Lebanon has nothing to complain about.  As per being the next war in the area, it could be a flash point, but who knows?  Sorry, I just don't have the answers right now...
UN fails to protect Lebanon Resources John here's an update. Apparantly the UN has kicked the can down the road-just normal business for them. I don't think this will be the last we hear of this.

hey cooper and bruce, here is a snip=it of a headline i ran across. i think it gives a little substance to the WSJ article.

 "UN Stays Out of Israel-Lebanon Gas Dispute"

A week after the Leviathan partners announced the results of the well, Lebanon asked the UN to supervise the demarcation of Israel's maritime borders at O&G wells.


Offshore gas reserves-stake your claim

  Thanks King John for the article. I have found a great overview of the situation there and have included the link. It also includes maps that maybe Cooper will find useful. By the way, Lebanon's government fell today-this will complicate things even further. I find this interesting and intend to follow what happens. Have a great day.

Thanks KJ.  This is a great artical and it supports the fact that the Hainesville is an infant that hasn't been born yet.  we are located in T8N-R8W-section 20.  As a crow flys that is about 15 miles south of the Messenger and about 6 miles East of the older Christmas well in Robeline, La.  The Christmas well was a good well in its day although only a vertical.  Our area has not generated any interest from any of the EP companies as of yet.  I think this will change as the price of NG goes back up.  The gas is down here but might be a little deeper, hotter and with higher pressure but can be produced if the price was right.   

Thanks KJ, you have boosted my day.  I feel "smart" now, because I said the same exact thing in a post here on GHS last month!!  (to be honest, this WSJ writer said it better than I did)


Back in November I saw a crude map of worldwide shale resources I saw the potiential for shale to rein in OPEC and break the Russian stranglehold on smaller, poorer countries.  Natural gas has the potential to break OPEC's stranglehold. It's the only fuel that can in the next 10 years.


However, look for folks to keep putting up news articles on how "dangerous" natural gas is and how nuclear energy is the "green" fuel of the future. BS!  It takes 10-20 years just to analyise a site for a nuclear energy plant. OPEC members will read this WSJ article.  They have a cartel for a reason and they will not want to give up control of the world's fuels.


I should also mention that I am very worried about the environmental hazards of our O&G companies running all over the world to drill for shale.  CHK is in China and we all know how loose their environmental laws are.  How about in African nations?  Water is too important not to regulate.


Shale gas has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people.  But, it could also wreck havoc on the water supplies of these countries.  As much as I am a fan of NG, I am also a fan of science and careful drilling.


Jaffe's scenario is much to reasonable. The U.S. gov't will never "buy it"

Folks, read the comments from the WSJ article and remember that the WSJ has a very conservative readership (even online)  Look at how many of the comments are negative on NG and pro nuclear.  I hope this link works, it may be a little long, but check out the article at least.  Interestingly, not many of the comments relate to what a geopolitical game changer this is. One poster notes that Israel has found significant shale deposits.




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