FOR 2 days we did'nt have enough water pressure to flush the toilet called the water co. and they told it was because of the drought I think their sell our water to CHK I live in Keithville and Water Works 7 Is anyone else having a priblem

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Very interesting. Did The Water Company have any response to your low pressure? Low pressure can cause serious problems in the quality of water in the line and even allow bacteria to grow.

Did you notice a lot of neighbors watering? Is there a nearby rig or frac job? Did your neighbors have the same problem?
Keith- maybe you should consider adding a catagory for water issues. water issues could get real exciting as time goes by.
I live in Southern Trace and our water pressure drops every summer. I always assumed it is all the lawn watering and of course all the new neighborhoods and houses around us.
This has been an ongoing problem for Southern Trace. And yes its due to al the yard watering. Its a combination of needing a newer closer water tower, and undersized lines.
The situation is particulary bad along Norrisz Ferry Road, the system was never designed for the groth that area has experianced. They really need a new Tower and trunk line.
everybody has wells to water their lawns although most people don't living in Keithville people on distric 7 have around 2 acres last week they flush the lines if we have a water shortage that just doesn't make since to me.Remember a couple of years ago we were in a 2 year drought we didn.t have a problem then.Maybe I'm way off base but I don't think so.Does anybody know who to call to see if they are selling our to CHK
Try the water district. YOu should be able to see if they have set any meters a drill sites.

You will probally be fighting a losing battle, water companies love selling water to whomever wil buy large quanities.

However, I did see a blurb on the news, don't remeber seeing who it was talking about, but the water system in question had problems due to a burnt out pump.
The water company said it was some sort of federal requirement to test the fire hydrants, not something done to flush the water lines. They said they had no choice in the matter.

To me, it sounded like someone involved was just using the "federal mandate" as an excuse to not give a darn. If they had half a brain or cared at all, they'd test the hydrants sometime other than during peak water usage. They could also stagger the hydrant testing rather than test them all in one week.

The effect is doubled because once the water turns brown, people have to run the water in their own faucets (paying the water company) in order to flush the brown garbage out of the water lines. Otherwise, you're drinking brown water for the next few days.
"Well, we tested the hydrants and met our federally mandated paperwork, so we're good. By the way, don't bother calling the fire department, we're out of water now."
our well went dry and my husband said it was due to the Haynesville Shale and the fracing that was going on. we live north of shreveport.
How deep is your well? This is one of my biggest fears. Are you going to be able to get on city water?
An update I found online:

Keithville District 7 to remain under boil advisory

Posted: June 30, 2009 08:25 PM CDT

Updated: June 30, 2009 08:25 PM CDT

KEITHVILLE, LA (KSLA) - Residents of a Keithville waterworks district will remain under a boil advisory for yet another day.

According to officials of Waterworks District 7 in Keithville, Louisiana, the district will remain under a boil advisory until at least Wednesday.

Monday residents say the water coming out of faucets in District 7 was brown and murcky.

Officials say the reason behind the murcky water and low water pressure residents experienced Monday was because customers used too much water during the hot weekend.
Residents say Tuesday the water showed much improvement. The water is still discolored, but water pressure has improved.

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