I’m curious who has heard from Standard Lithium or other companies regarding Brine leases looking for Lithium. I don’t know how to reach out to landowners in Franklin. We have talked to SL but have not signed anything. I own family land in Franklin but live in Titus just east of Franklin, for those not in this area.

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It is always a challenge trying to find information in the early days of a land rush.  One way to track what companies are getting leases and where is the county clerk's public records.  It's easy to do and can be done in person or online with a remote access subscription.  Lessees (the company or individual taking the lease) will want to record a memorandum of lease in the public record but don't expect them to rush to record each lease.  Typically lessees will record their leases in batches periodically.  It's early so there may not be any recorded but at some point in the not too distant future there should be a batch available.  The memorandum of lease will give only the bare bones information.  The lessor (the person leasing their mineral rights), the lessee, the location and the term or length of time for which the lease is in effect.  At some point, there should be competition for brine leases.  Competition always serves to improve the terms offered to mineral owners.  Knowing which companies are competing for leases provides an advantage for mineral owners to negotiate their best deal.

The idea of competition has crossed my mind. It seems there are more players in all the Arkansas chatter, but I’ve only heard of Standard Lithium in our part of NE Texas. My understanding is that a company from Germany is behind Standard Lithium, but I could have misunderstood. I’d like to hear from fully American companies. Maybe it doesn’t matter.

Competition is competition regardless of the money behind it.  The emphasis now is on scrambling to get data on where brine wells are likely to be economic.  As more data is available, there should be more competition.

You’re right! Competition is competition— and the more the better!


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