There's a new drilling rig (natural gas?) 1/2 mile from me on Oak Hill Rd.. Anyone have info on it?

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Nancy, the well in Section 8 is the third Saratoga Chalk well drilled by Roxanna Acadia, LLC in that area.  These are oil wells.  Click on the six digit serial number and you can view the well file for each well.  It is my opinion that these are "prescription" wells drilled to hold in force existing leases or the preserve mineral servitudes.

Organization Id Organization Name
Cnt Well Serial Well Name Well Num Status Class Class Type API Number Org ID Field ID Permit Date Sec-Town-Rng Parish LUW Association
1 251139 OLYMPIA MINERALS 001 10 17085225050000 R4663 7309 03-JUL-18 021-06N-11W 43 GO TO LUW INFO 7032
2 251600 OLYMPIA MINERALS 002 10 17085225350000 R4663 7309 06-MAR-19 022-06N-11W 43 GO TO LUW INFO 7000
3 251912 OLYMPIA MINERALS 003 01 17085225450000 R4663 7309 21-AUG-19 009-06N-11W 43 GO TO LUW INFO 6800

Stupid question, but....   I am presuming by your answer there's nothing in this for the people living by it?

And thank you so much for your response - I was trying to do some research last night and it was overwhelming!

Were they suppose to notify people living around it as to the construction or anything?

Are you leased to anyone?

No. We just found out it was there late last night

These are lease wells as opposed to unit wells so mineral interests directly under the wells would be the only ones to share in any royalty.  I think that Olympia Minerals owns a mineral servitude.  I think these are wells meant to reset the ten year prescriptive period and maintain the servitude ownership.  These three wells are the only ones that appear in the SONRIS database for Roxanna Acadia and they are drilled by Brammer Engineering.

Thank  you so much for the info, sorry it wasn't better news! LOL!

I'm waiting for Olympia Minerals to drill a horizontal Saratoga Chalk well.  Then we can all get excited!

These are all horizontal Saratoga Chalk wells.

Thanks for the correction, Phil.  Yes, they are horizontal completions.  Would you happen to know anything regarding the completion design?

As you know Skip, Olympia is a mineral owner and is not set up to drill wells. The ownership is passive and have no mechanism to drill. We just lease to good folks and hope they are successful. Our success has been in being a friendly cooperative mineral owner that does not try to be greedy on lease terms at all. The Olympia ownership is more interested in seeing drilling than it is in being greedy on bonus and lease terms. Call me sometime and I will tell you the story of how Olympia Minerals came about.  Hope all is well,  take care, Mark H

Skip,  these are not servitude preserving wells.  call me if you want to discuss  this is an active play with great early results  Roxanna is a great group with a great project and over 20K of our minerals under lease as well as others



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