Well now... I got buried with offers to purchase all or part of my Rights to many of our San Augustine Wells Units.

  • Nolte
  • Victoria Anne
  • Brown-Weeks
  • Weeks
  • Davis
  • Parks
  • Parks West
  • York
  • Red River 365 A
  • Red River 365 B
  • Steadman
  • Jacquelyn Bright
  • Dennis
  • McKinney
  • Bennett
  • Freeman Farms

I won't disclose the amount offered, but this is the first time I have ever taken a second look at an offer. I know I have seen a sudden renewal of some Permits and a few new Permits appear on the TRRC GIS Maps since January...

So, is anyone seeing an uptick in Rigs or Fracking Teams arriving or wandering the area? Any and all updates are appreciated.

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Lots of allocation units being drilled.  I personally would not sell.  We have seen offers to purchase as well but nothing near what the minerals are worth in my opinion. 


What's up in San Augustine is seven rigs drilling.  Six by Aethon and one by XTO.  You can keep up with that through my Main Page discussion that tracks all Haynesville directed rigs.  The Louisiana side of the Haynesville fairway has been seeing increases in the number of offers to buy mineral rights and significant increases in the amounts offered for about seven months now.  Natural gas is once again popular with investors and development has ramped up as the mcf price as trended upperward.  For the first thirteen years of the play, the top of the market was around $5K per royalty acre or $10K per net mineral acre with a quarter royalty lease.  The current offers are approximately double of that.  Still it is wise for mineral owners to know what they have.  That will be part of my presentation at the NARO-LA convention on Tuesday.  Buyers and those looking to lease do not like to discuss distinctions between areas that have only Haynesville reserves and those that have both Haynesville and Bossier.  Considering that the latter will get twice as many wells, the fair market value should be greater for the sale of mineral rights while the lease value should be greater as to the bonus per acre.

Underscore one of Skip's comments

"Still it is wise for mineral owners to know what they have"

Room for "X" wells on your acreage? Number of target intervals?" 

Skip Peel- We have had some interest from Aethon to lease our land in San Augustine but it is nothing close to what your saying above.  Are you saying this for the Louisiana side or for San Augustine? Thanks for any info

What I am posting above is related to the value of a sale of mineral rights.  It has no relevance regarding lease terms.  Lease terms have basically remained unchanged for the last few years while the interest by buyers in acquiring Haynesville minerals has skyrocketed over the last eight months.

Thank you. That's what I was guessing but wanted to make sure.

I don't intend to sell, mainly because I enjoy following everything going on out there, but with some of these 'offers' being enough to buy a big New Bass or Columbia River Boat and the Truck to pull it after Taxes really caught my attention... never seen offers like this before as they are almost ten times what I would normally see.

Nope, I will continue to hold my Mineral rights and just keep drawing the Royalty checks for now. Mainly I was trying to get a feel of new Rigs and Crews rolling into the area... might be worth a trip out there to visit Relatives, Grandad's Homestead and have some REAL Barbeque!

Thanks for the input and updates! 

You got me hungry for some barbecue, Bill. 

Dang... now I'm hungry and want a Bourbon or three! 

I miss my Texas BBQ.. this stuff out here says it is 'Texas BBQ' but it tends to be more like New York made Salsa.

In our area, Dickie's and Busters are considered to be a good BBQ! 

Still remember a visit out there in 2016 or 2017, we had Dinner at a place called Darrell's out in Center... well cooked Brisket and some fantastic sauces.

Lots of good bar-b-q here and in E TX.  I suggest Bodacious Bar-B-Q.  When I'm headed down I-20 and got a bar-b-q hankerin', that's where I stop.  You'll have to bring your own bourbon.


Plenty locations: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&ms...


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