New permits in Shelby county went from 4-5 a week to zero for the past 2 weeks.  Not a good sign.

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Or a good supply has to come down somehow.
You have a point there! I'm just greedy I guess. Hoping to get a well dug before they decide to move out for another decade.
ALongview is right... if they can all back off for a few months the price will improve and they can get back to the business of drilling next spring and summer.
You are both right. Maybe they will come on out and dig for some oil in the mean time.
XTO has invaded Huxley! They are surveying for 3 units that they want to get drilled before (former Ellora) leases expire. I think XTO is still trying to get a grip on all their new Ellora holdings and that might have also slowed them down. I don't think that they will back off because they have acquired many acres of leased minerals they don't want to have to lease again. It would be good for me if they would wait a year so I could lease again and get better terms but I don't have that kind of luck! I will take whatever I get: well or new lease.
Good luck Etola. They did alot of surveying around here (deep south Shelby) several months back. Geokenetics ribbons everywhere. Now there is a strange looking vehicle with oversized wheels and a short crane apparatus on top, roaming through the woods. Maybe drilling holes for seismic charges, I don't know. Maybe their waiting on this info before deciding where to permit the next locations.
At least once a day, the young man surveying for XTO comes by my house to get info concerning neighboring lands. He's really nice and told me they were pressuring him to get this done quickly so they could get a well drilled. They slipped up though and let the southern portion of one of the units' lease expire so those lucky folks are getting to sign a new lease. My lease and the other people in the proposed unit expires a year from now so I know they will come in before that. We had that strange looking vehicle too drilling holes on National Forest land. It was just a couple of days after they completed the seismic in Huxley that XTO showed up. I don't think they care about the seismic at all, just getting that land HBP. Like I said before, I'm not going to fret about it anymore. Whatever happens, will happen! BTY, these XTO wells in Huxley will be named after rivers: Danube, Amazon, Eucrates, Nile, etc. Non have been permitted yet.
That sounds great! I hope they show up around here that quick.
Etola, thanks for the information about the Huxley area. Will the Huxley wells by XTO be Haynesville gas wells? Is there oil in the Huxley area too? I am curious as to the depth they will drill. I like the idea of naming the wells after rivers. Be sure and give that young man from XTO a nice glass of cold water and a smile.
I haven't seen any of the XTO people in over a week! They left about a hundred stakes with bright pink ribbons on them all over Huxley. Maybe they finished surveying and are plating the units now. Got my fingers crossed that at least 1 Haynesville well will be drilled in the Huxley area soon. I am very willing to wait until next year when my lease expires but it would be good for our area to get a good well so the O&G companies won't lose their interest in us. In the past, Huxley has had shallow gas and oil wells drilled and some are doing very well. I believe the same will he true for Haynesville Shale wells here. At least the seismic is finished and moved on before deer season started. That was a relief!
LDH, there are some good oil wells in that lower Toledo Bend Area. Some are the shallow oil -- Frediskburg (sp) Zone has been very good there. I have that zone too.
My family has 1137.5 acreas leased with EOG in the John Buckley A-41 survey which is 5 different tracks and 260 acreas in the Jonathon Anderson, A-5 survey. Does anyone know if any wells are being drilled here? We also have 54.5 acreas in the John Buckley leased with Southwestern. Any news there?



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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