New permits in Shelby county went from 4-5 a week to zero for the past 2 weeks.  Not a good sign.

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You did an excellent job of focusing your search.

Southwestern has drilled the Harris B #1H, a horizontal well with surface location in A-41. It is waiting on completion.

They are drilling (now) two directional wells in A-41:
Crest E #1 and Crest F #1

Crest E Plat:

Crest F Plat:

And they have drilled another horizontal with a surface location in Sabine County but the bore path goes across A-41. That one is the Crest C#1H and it is also waiting on completion.

How can I tell if our land is included?
How can I tell if our land is included in any of these wells?
You either have to find the Unit Designation, filed in the County Clerks Office, which will list the owners/leases included in the unit or you could try contacting the operator. You should probably check the records to see if your leases have been assigned to someone else by your lessee, also.
In Jonathan Anderson, A-5 XTO has three units:

Wolfpack DU #1H is drilled and waiting on completion.
Wolfpack DU #2H is drilling now.


Tigers DU #1H is drilling now.


Cornhuskers DU #1H is drilled and waiting on completion.

According to several of my "indicators", things are coming to a screaching stop, except for acreage Operators feel like they just HAVE to HBP. The price of gas is terrible & some are talking (maybe) $2 gas next year. That won't work with MANY of the plays going on, and some are saying they will have all of the HBP acreage they need to drill MANY wells in the future, without leasing any more ... double-ouch. Using both hands, grab ... (fill in the blanks). I hope it's better than that - come on, Pres - how 'bout some REAL environmental, non-union, non-government jobs!
We need a president who will include NG in an Energy Plan....maybe we can run T. Boone Pickens.
Wouldn't that stir up a hornets nest (not that it could ever happen)!?
Maybe Keith would like to form a nomination committee? :)
Etola, they do have some permits that they may start on now as Chk. has had the National Forest Wells (2)--Ashton Hill and Blankenship USA/FED. What have you heard about those? XTO plans on drilling up every lease that they have (one well) and yes, of course, you are right----to HBP. Of course ,some leases will be out way before the others. Have you been toward Tenaha Creek and if so are they marking in there ? I missed a phone call from Center and did not return call.I wish timber prices would ease up. Actually, with the politics we have now and the turmoil we face in the immediate future, I had just as soon hold it for the future or at least for 2012. People in our area worked hard for their property, and I hate to see us have to send it off to be wasted. I notice that other companies are after the National Forest too. I have been asked for a road and total ROW through some land that I have to get to the feds. Seems like it is landlocked; I feel that is their problem. Who wants to have Fed Gas running all through their land to fill up the gathering stations? So far, I have not accepted any offers. I was told that maybe I could buy one strip behind me that is private owned, but that would still open me up to the forest.That land is landlocked by me too. There has to be a way to get timber out,and perhaps the feds could furnish ROWs as they have no problem passing out other things. LOL They would have to do environment studies and check out the wildlife, bugs, etc. so it can take a while to deal with the govt. They want to do this on private property, but no one will be in well with the govt., and of course, it will be directional. That is not by the creek near you though. I was very disappointed that XTO purchased Ellora; I had been told they were going to add some categories for names--waterways, deserts (a friend who was guessing about nature, globalism, etc. ) I had planned to name mine (if they put it on me) to honor my grandfather who worked for it. At least, I do think our area will not be the critter names. Perhaps, they will put it on the feds and we could hold out longer. They had planned to use mine before, the deadline came, and I was proud it got skipped. We might be as well to get it now as in the future, the gas may be very low, and they may redistribute it as there has been talk for at least two years to do that to minerals, royalties, and land. Depends upon many factors and new water under the bridge, Huh???
As far as I can tell, CHK hasn't drilled any wells in that area. I doubt that they ever do at this point. XTO did not survey up around Tenaha Creek. They started where FM139 intersects FM 3172 which is about 3 miles south of the creek and covered the area all the way to FM2694 from the lake to the east to the forest service land to the west. I don't know how many units that would be but I would guess at least 6. My daughter got a letter from XTO stating that her land was included in a unit named Danube, but no one else got a letter and there have been no new permits submitted. We can't figure why she was only one to get a letter. When they bought Ellora, they picked up a lot of acres in Huxley. It will be a circus up here if and when they decide to drill all those acres. I am not looking forward to that part of it!
If they come back and start marking the area around Tenaha Creek, I will let you know ASAP.
Maybe we will have someone knowledgeable of energy and someone who is somewhat interested in the south. Perhaps, they will be willing to listen and see how the gas could benefit our nation. Maybe he or she will not be so involved in other countries and will listen and work to make America independent. All of the taxation could benefit and help pay off the debt that is causing so much concern and forced upon us. The energy taxes could provide education, medical, etc. Seems like we need more of each. We need to help ourselves rather than having to be helped. I cannot believe we have come to this status. YES, CICERO! HOW RIGHT YOU ARE!!!!! WE NEED TO BE FOR THE U.S.A.!!!!!



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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