Did it ever exist? What happened to it? Why can't we get through to anyone associated with it?

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Thats what I'd like to know too..
Ken Krefft is listed as the coalition's agent. He is listed in the Shreveport phone book. The Coalition website is still on line but there are no contacts listed. IMO, their sentiments were noble but they bit off more than they could chew. I am disappointed that they have not appointed someone to answer questions and communicate with land/mineral owners in south Shreveport.
Skip - The SCC established a condition of membership at it's original meeting (I attended) that membership in SCC would come through Neighborhood & Homeowners' Associations. Property owners need to be a member of a neighborhood association to be included in the SCC. Communications to property owners were channeled (some better than others) through those associations. SCC made no provisions for collecting dues (membership for those qualified is/was free), so they had no revenue to budget for that.

There were many associations that joined SCC, so all one has to do is determine their neighborhood association and look them up for contact info. Some, like BNA, have their own websites with contact info posted. I also believe the city's website, or maybe SCC's, listed all the associations that had joined with them.

The last I heard, which was about 2-3 months ago, a meeting was held then, but I'm unaware of any others since. This doesn't necessarily mean there haven't been any.

I have left two messages on Mr. Krefft's answering machine to call me about offers made by a landman on acres that we signed letters on but had no call back. Also, I emailed the attorney supposedly representing ShreveCentre, Alan Seabaugh, also no response. We are negotiating on our own I suppose.


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