31 Operating Co. back in business again?

Kris Freeman with 31 Operating just contacted me re: $ owed me. I hope that he did so with those others of you that he owed royalties to. A thought: let's not let something like this get this far out of hand before speaking up. I can assure you I won't wait so long again to bring up the problem! Thanks for all of your input.


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Comment by Gary Griffith on May 5, 2021 at 9:28

Carder Oil not making interest payments to Lease owners of Nat gas they are pulling out of Webster, Sibley Field wells. 

I am interested in knowing if there is other large acreage lease owners in the Sibley Field wells operated bye Carder Oil Company / 31 Operating,LLC, (Operator Name # 8270)?  This company is basically taking Natural Gas out of these wells, selling the gas then not paying Interest owners that this company has a Lease with.  I believe this might be called stealing. This company should be locked out of this field's wells, suspend Lease, then sign a new Lease with a Company that will honor their obligation to pay their Interest to Lease owners. Please Private message me if you like.

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