
Now that we are back on the old platform, there are a couple things I'd like to bring to your attention to get back in the groove.

County Groups

Most of the helpful conversations that deal with local happenings occur in a group. Why is this? Because, when a new post is made all the members of that particular county group receive an update. I highly recommend joining and posting local information in the county group of your choice. Many of the groups need a jump start, so if you have some info others may find helpful-please post!

Find your county group

Invite Others

GHS has always primarily grown via word of mouth. People inviting other people to share. Really simple yet really affective! One thing I like about this website is that it has a nice and simple tool for inviting others to join us. You can invite your contacts from your gmail or yahoo email account. Or, you can simply plug in email addresses.

Invite Your Contacts

Donate to GHS

Thanks to those who have generously given to GHS!  We still have a ways to go in order to meet our goals for covering GHS' expenses. Thanks for your consideration.

Contribute to


Keith Mauck


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