I've had many client's ask me this question..."I don't use Twitter. Does my company need to have a Twitter account?" I was a disbeliever myself until I set up the first account for a client of ours. Twitter gives you the opportunity to connect with people and companies, and disseminate news quickly and easily, and if your "Tweets" are of interest, they may be "retweeted" by your followers, spreading that news much farther and to a larger audience. Once you set up an account, go to the search box at the upper right side of the screen. Type in "tanks" for instance, and you will begin to see a bunch of companies/people related to tanks or their usage. "Follow" those companies/people. Most often, they will follow you back. Now, when you compose a "tweet" which is a very short 140 character bit of news, it will be seen by all the companies and people to which you are connected ("followed" by). When you have a new product, a success in the field, etc. you can easily share it - free of charge! You can also attach photos! It only takes a little time, and it is free advertising!

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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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