Hydraulic Fracture Fluid Kills Cattle Near Chesapeake Well

The drilling crew at a Chesapeake well site in Louisiana was "injecting fluids at high pressure to break down the shale and release natural gas," when some cattle ingested the fluid and died. 19 of the cattle died.

That sure sounds a lot like hydraulic fracturing. In 2005, at the urging of +!@#$Cheney, former Halliburton CEO, Congress exempt fracing from the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. It's way past time to repeal that exemption! I'll have a link up later to resolutions your group, municipality, county, etc. can adopt asking our legislature to remove the exemption.

But, there's no need to worry because the industry tells us that hydraulic fracturing is perfectly safe and never, ever contaminates any water and it's really precise except for when it's imprecise.

UPDATE: First person account HERE I got word that the death count is now at 30 but that's unconfirmed.

19 head of cattle die near north La. gas well
...investigators found white, milky puddles here and there both on the well site and in a 400 square-yard area just inside the pasture. ... The livestock died Tuesday near rain puddles in their pasture, said a Caddo Parish sheriff's spokeswoman, Cindy Chadwick. Local residents reported the cattle were foaming at the mouth, bellowing and had bleeding tongues.
"The cows' tongues hanging, bleeding off front and back, foaming at the mouth and bellowing" she said.

William Dubose said he captured video of yellowish-green fumes that smelled like a combination of antifreeze and petrochemical.
Antifreeze just happens to be one of the chemicals in frack fluid.
Frac Water Chemicals Chemical Components (From MSDS

If it does that to cattle, imagine what will happen to people. Drink up!

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