I apologize if this issue has been talked about before on this blog but I have not been able to locate any discussion on it. Has anyone been approached by an energy company to sign a pipeline easement contract? If so does anyone know what the going rate is in the Haynesville Shale is? I was offered a "per rod" price for the lease but I have no idea if it is a fair offer. Thanks

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Comment by JamesCO on March 15, 2009 at 18:44
I can say that I got $326.00 a rod last year. They laid 83 rods on my property. It took alot of effort to get that from them. I did have to make sure that the clause about future pipelines was placed. If someone can get $600 a rod, good for them. At least I did not get washed to badly.
Comment by lanadan Ds3 on March 14, 2009 at 21:59
Fella who owns 80 ac in section just west of me told me he was paid $60 thou + for 30' ROW to run on property line (distance of 2,640 feet). I know this guy, and he doesn't lie!

Also, (very important point here, I think), he said the contract provided for ONLY ONE PIPE to be laid, in that any other additional matters (any future pipes, tie-ins, etc.) would have to be dealt with as a separate issue (more money paid to him, of course). Just something for you to think about.
Comment by The Chandlers on March 14, 2009 at 5:00
We have been offered $200 per rod for one particular property and took it without reservation. However, a relative who is in on the mineral rights with us on another property said ask for more on another piece of property we own and we got $600 per rod because the pipeline would be more down the center of the property than along a section line.
Comment by Eric Camp on March 13, 2009 at 11:31

It really depends on the location and current use of the property and can vary GREATLY. Where is your property?

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