What is the Shale that has been found under the Haynesville?

Heard a rumor that a big new shale has been found at 20,000 feet.  It is below the Haynesville.  Does anybody know anything about it?  Does it have a name?  Will gas companies need to sign new leases to get to it?  Most leases limit the depth to 150 feet below the Haynesville and this is much deeper.

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I hear rumors all the time.  the last was a big pocket of oil just below the haynesville... i think in panola county texas.  where there's smoke... there's a little fire... it's been awful quiet.
That would be the "hellsville shale". The devil owns all the mineral rights.
HA! That's funny!
Being hell is fueled by brimstone that would make the gas H2S  and a lot more expensive to produce.
"The Devil made me do it". Stunk bad, couldn't help it, it just slipped out and made everyone puke.

You are too funny!

Sally, I think it is just that - a rumor.  Where is the discovery - Texas side or Louisiana side?  There have not been a lot of wells drilled to 20,000 ft TVD in the area of the Haynesville Shale play.

I origninally heard this rumor after Devon drilled the 'exploritory-test' leg on our Whitton 1H up in Shelby county. Devon never released any findings to the public, I guess, however right after they completed it we began to get all of 'those' companies offering to buy all or part of our interest in our holdings out there. No one has been pounding at the door however to get leases to drill deeper, so I assume it's just another 'Big One' rumor from down there.

The Smackover formation underlies the Haynesville and can have a 'shaley' component that is likely one of the sources of petroleum for Smackover reservoirs and possibly some of the overlying Cotton Valley et al reservoirs.

This has been known for a LONG time so is really not new. Like all of the shale reservoirs, this was considered a non-reservoir until recent advances in multi-lateral drilling, multi-stage hydraulic fracture and companion technologies came about.


At 20,000' or more, I suspect that whatever 'shale' this is, it is too deep to be economically produced even with the advances mentioned above.

What is the deepest Haynesville well?  The talk i hear is much less than 20,000 feet.  The "rumor" is about OIL just a couple hundred feet below the Haynesville... whatever that is and i suspect that depth is fluid. sorry for that.   thanks




I don't know the depth of deepest Haynesville production...sorry.


The Smackover can be found immediately below the Haynesville in some places/basins. In some places a Buckner formation may be found directly beneath the Haynesville or equivalent. The Buckner is typically an anhydrite (i.e. calcium sulfate mineral associated with evaporitic conditions) but it is possible that, in places, it may have a shale member.

JHH, when reviewing the depth of horizontal Haynesville wells you will see two depths listed.  MD (measured depth) being the entire length of the well bore, vertical and horizontal and TVD (total vertical depth) being where the wellbore reaches it's horizontal orientation.  The difference between the two is the length of the lateral.  No HA well has a TVD approaching 20,000'.  A number have been permitted with a MD of 20,000' though none come close to that.  The TVD for a HA horizontal well depending on location can be anywhere from 10,500' to 13,500'.  In the far south of the Play, wells may approach 14,000'.  The Smackover is immediately below the Haynesville and many Haynesville wells drill into the top 50 or maybe 100' of it just to ensure that the wellbore has penetrated all of the Haynesville.  Any well testing the SMK would be penetrating much more than 50 or 100'.  Looking for that pool of oil.  LOL!


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