Make sure you join and network with others who are in the "Leased by Chesapeake" group.

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I think if the Oil Companies had a site like this and they were asking each other this type of question, you would be squeeling like a pig. It would be called price fixing. What would you call what you are trying to do? Why don't you just get the SEUI to negotiate your leases for you.

How many cups of coffee have you had this morning, Noel?  If you don't think the Operators have a very good idea what each other are paying, you're nutz. 
Are you suggesting that the O&G companies share all their information with the mineral owner? Have another cup!

I would like to add BEUSA. They leased a lot of people in the Doyline area. They have moved out and are not renewing leases.  Petro Hawk is renewing a few leases in this area. BEUSA drilled 4 wells in the Doyline area.

Two are just about to go online.  One failed due to drilling errors.  They are replacing one well pad back to its original state.

Thanks for the responses! Great!
In order to create a dedicated group, I need to see several requests for the same company. Otherwise, we will create a thread in the general "Leased By" group to get the ball rolling.

Hi Keith,

Am responding to NOT leased. For I did not have rights last year. I am told the 10 year perscription is over and now the minerals are mine. They revert back to me and now I want to get this checked out and have documented proof and show in the records at the Parrish. How do i go about this? I figure you know everything. :) I live in Florida and do not have contacts in Louisana.


Thank You

Lorelei Hickman

Is there a well in your section?
In your postion, out of state (unless you have a few days to go do this yourself), no doubt about it, I'd hire someone to do this for you. Either a seasoned landman or experienced attorney.
El paso E&P
BEUSA / Bridas
We have EOG with 2 pieces of land and Virtex with another



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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