Eagle Ford Production Could Overtake Barnett, Haynesville

The whole story/link follows a couple paragraphs.



The liquids rich Eagle Ford shale play in southwest Texas may overtake the Barnett and Haynesville shale gas plays in Texas and Louisiana in terms of production, potentially becoming the largest producing shale play in Texas and the entire U.S., according to a recent report by London-based Evaluate Energy.

The Eagle Ford is currently dwarfed by its neighbors in terms of production, with the Barnett producing 877,000 BOE/d, the Haynesville producing 708,000 BOE/d and Eagle Ford producing 66,000 BOE/d in the fourth quarter of 2010. However, a recent surge in new wells suggests this all about the change, with horizontal drilling for both oil and gas in the Eagle Ford growing rapidly.





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Don't spend your money too soon. 

Seems as though every time a new Play is found, its is the "Largest", "Most Productive",  and it is going to take over everything.  Funny thing is, or I should say the SAD thing is, everyone gets ALL EXCITED and then, everything STOPS!!!!

I have a feeling that the Haynesville Shale Play was hyped up so much that a lot of mineral owners in Louisiana and Texas may have thought they were sitting on a GOLD MINE and got themselves in trouble financially.  Hopefully,  production will pick-up on all these plays and get the United States off its dependence on foreign oil and natural gas. 

This play is not comparable to the Haynesville or any other dry gas shales, this is a liquids field.
The more oil the better.  Some of the predictions indicate both oil and gas.  Maybe that it would be more costly to produce.  what are your thoughts?



No only is this a liquids play but the drillers are aiming for the oil first, liquids second and gas well they would be happy to flare it and just stick to the liquids.


Barnett is going down because it is old and the other plays are more productive for the money.


Haynesville is fine if you had more demand for gas but the fact is gas demand isn't going up because the economy is still down....  The sad fact is the US is flooded with gas which means the price of gas is down.  Only where the liquids are rich will people be willing to drill (unless they have to for contractual reasons).... That doesn't make most in Haynesville happy but that is the fact of the matter. 

I'm very thankful for all that has been produced over here in East Texas.  And grateful i didn't spend it all and saved a lot.  Many of us didn't get the enormous lease bonus money they got in Louisiana.  But production has been steady and sure.  Plus... much of our minerals are free and clear now because we never got drilled.  Eventually things will come back... if our politicians ever determine an energy policy.  Maybe we could start the "Get The Hell Out of The Way" party?  jhh

Amen to Your "Get.................." Party.   Something needs to be done.....or we're never going to get off Foreign Oil and Natural Gas.

Do you want to be President of this Party that we could form???? LOL

JHH, that is likely true on a BOE (barrels oil equivalent) basis because the field will eventually produce a large amount of oil & condensate in addition to natural gas.  It also likely has the largest current rig count of any play.

Les,  Keith might want to one day change GHS and sub-title it Go Eagle Ford.  I'm just saying, you Know , before some else jumps on the idea.

Have a good day,

"The Buzz"  

Is there any of the Eagle Ford formation in East Texas?

Not sure.  I keep hearing the Eagle Ford is the source rock for what we have up here.


Look at the map of the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale when the formation gets to East Texas and Louisiana some call it the TMS while others call in the Eagle Ford. It will be above the Haynesville Shale where it exists.


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