As the Haynesville Play matures and enters a development phase that engages fewer land/mineral owners, does the site loose its relevance and momentum?  The answer to that question for most members is very personal.  For those fortunate enough to have a new and higher level of development regarding their minerals by way of Gas Factories, Full Development Drilling Plans or Super Pads, the obvious answer is that they remain attentive and engaged.  For those who have not been as fortunate, the question is one of a commitment to the long term management of their mineral interest even if that future is not tied to the HA/BO Shale Plays.


Although largely unnoticed by the majority of members, early on in the life of GHS there was some recognition and speculation regarding a future where mineral owners had a prime resource for reliable information and a forum for Q&A and the debate of personal opinions.  A new age of Internet connectivity for all mineral owners.  It was difficult in the heady first months of the Haynesville Play to focus on any long term potential as everyone wanted one of those leases with a $15,000/acre bonus and a quarter royalty.  Few actually got a $15,000 bonus but for a short time many thought they could do better.  Their ability to understand the dynamics driving the Play and the leasing was limited and the general attitude was that offers could only improve.  For many it was a hard lesson learned that the opinion of the many was not grounded in reality.


Over the last six months Keith has seen fit to allow new members to have a forum for their interests not connected to the HA/BO Shale.  Although the beginning of GHS was firmly grounded in the HA Shale, I believe that its long term relevance is much broader.  As the Austin Chalk and Tuscaloosa Marine Shale plays unfold in Central LA., the same may be occurring along the AR./LA. state line for the Lower Smackover/Brown Dense.  As more members participate and share their experiences and questions, we find growing interest in development of numerous formations/zones across an area much wider than the area of economic HA/BO Shale prospects.  Cotton Valley prospects in Marion County and  Annona Chalk and Cotton Valley prospects in north Caddo Parish just to mention some of the most recent.


The breathe of the discussions engaging members is instructive of the site's comprehensive value to a wide segment of mineral owners.  Not only can the membership see up-to-the-moment posts on new lease offers, well permits, completions and unit applications across an area greater than the shale involving a myriad of formations, they can learn about severance tax implications and share information regarding royalty payment deductions.  Those members fortunate to be in the royalty income phase of their mineral interests now have a whole new set of issues to confront. The economic paradigm  that has hampered the continuing momentum of the HA/BO Play actually brings new scrutiny and interest to a wide range of conventional and unconventional reservoirs prospective for oil, liquids and condensate over a much wider area of interest.


IMO, we are just getting started!  And the value of GoHaynesvilleShale grows at it matures and expands to cover more minerals and more mineral owners.  Good Luck to All.  Skip



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I agree totally.  I find many relevant discussions and vital information on this site.  It is a great resource to someone who does not live in the immediate area.  I live in Dallas, and I would not have access to the information and commentary without this site.  My land is in Claiborne Parish - not within the Haynesville Shale zone.  However the property is currently leased until 2012 and of coourse I hope to lease it again.  The Lower Smackover / Brown Dense potential has my attention.  Beyond that, I even enjoy the occasional discussions regarding timber as I am preparing my land to re-plant into a pine plantation.


I find your discussions particularly interesting and informative.  I hope that the site continues indefinitely.


Good post Skip!

GHS is social media at its best. I live in the Pacific Northwest and this site has been very helpful to me.  I grew up in the Shreveport area, but have not lived there for 35 years. Go Haynesville Shale keeps me in touch with the people and places of this "play".


I've been a member about 3 years under the name of LOGGER. But, I recently changed to this moniker: Hopeful About Natural Gas.  That pretty well describes my interests. Is there any way we can network with people involved in other shale plays around the US?  I know we get members from other shale states, but do we really network with them?  Do we want to network with other shalers around the US and even the world?  I think this would be great, but I have no idea how to do it.


There are few places where rank newbies can come with any question and get a good diverse opinion from people involved in all angles of the play.  GHS is a "safe" place and a great example of how social media can level the playing field.  For the most part everyone is respectful and respected.  That is very rare on the Internet and I HOWL my appreciation for Keith and all of you here.


I also enjoy historical research of my community and I can see the role GHS could have to a future Louisiana historian. GHS has tracked the full development of the Haynesville Shale Rush. The old archives of this site are a historical gold mine of the rise and fall and stabilization of the Haynesville Shale. 


I believe we are at the beginning of a new energy era. Historians might look back at Haynesville as being the turning point in shale development.  We have all been fortunate to have a front row seat thanks to Keith and GHS!  (geez, this makes me feel guilty I have not contributed more $$ to this site. I will do it because its been invaluable to me living 2,000 miles away)



GHS has been and continues to be the most vital source of education and information on the breadth and depth of all things related to natural gas. No matter if a member is Mr. Lessor Landowner, Mrs. Ima Resident, Mr. Gem Geologist, Dug the Driller or Opie the Operator, there is something pertinent on GHS on every level of interest for everyone impacted by natural gas shale. The creation of GHS in terms of its timing and its attraction to those who provided and still provide valuable information is nothing short of a phenomenon. I certainly have benefitted from GHS creation and evolution.

Very GOOD LP, you have a way with words. Appreciate all you guys and gals that add so much to this site.



Very excellent points. I think this site has importance well beyond leasing and can have broad impacts regarding development and relationships between mineral owners and operators. Thanks for a well done post. Jhh
Right on target.  The momentum and membership is there so it would make sense to broaden the scope.
Grand Post Skip. The ever expanding scope of the GHS is exponential. This IS really just the beginning and it is local, regional, national and global. I see a future with the joy of using NG, other hydro carbons, etc. safely with  many jobs created, a more US based economy as leverage. We ARE just getting warmed up.  As usual, I do not have a vocabulary of the eloquent use of words to express appreciation for the boundless information and possiblilities, all started with this unique site. Thank you to all.  May we continue to learn, grow, teach and connect. This is exciting !!!!  newbie 2008 .

Everything I know about O&G I learned on or through GHS.


Thanks Keith!

I'm still waiting for the BO to go crazy like the HA!!  That will make the site relevant for at least another.....30+ years.
with the price of oil at 20 to 25 times that of NG,  it is only natural that the EP companies next big rush would be for oil.  We are seeing that with the Eagle Ford and I think we will see it in Louisiana with the Austin chalk,  TMS,  Eagle Ford,  Haynesville,  or any other formations that might exist.  There is oil in them hills ( rocks) folks,  and it will get produced.  The national security of our country depends on it.  If our government wan't do it,  then we need to do it on our own. 

I am new on here and have read alot on this site and other posts on the net. I have property in South Caddo Parish and have had a lease since 05. My lease didnt get a real sign on bonus to speak of and the royalty payments I get arnt enough to pay one cell phone bill for the year. Ive talked to my O/G company and it seems to me that a majority of these companies did all the work they needed to in order to keep the leases running, yet run on what I call a dripping the garden hose so it dont freeze.

Im curious about something I hope someone can add input to. From what I am being told, the OG companies only have to pay royalties when the oil or gas goes "to market". Yet we know that the markets arnt paying as much as they want right now. That being said....I read that there are a couple companies in the US that are making around $450 million a year as "holding companies" for the OG companies. To clerify...the OG companies pump O & G and then pay a company to hold it. Now, does this sound like hoarding???? Doesnt it also sound like manipulation of the markets???   Not to mention, if they hoard it and it doesnt go "to market" , does that allow them to bypass paying royalties to the landowners until THEY decide to take it to market when THEY feel the prices are right??  I would appreciate all thoughts on this matter.

I am new on here and have read alot on this site and other posts on the net. I have property in South Caddo Parish and have had a lease since 05. My lease didnt get a real sign on bonus to speak of and the royalty payments I get arnt enough to pay one cell phone bill for the year. Ive talked to my O/G company and it seems to me that a majority of these companies did all the work they needed to in order to keep the leases running, yet run on what I call a dripping the garden hose so it dont freeze.

Im curious about something I hope someone can add input to. From what I am being told, the OG companies only have to pay royalties when the oil or gas goes "to market". Yet we know that the markets arnt paying as much as they want right now. That being said....I read that there are a couple companies in the US that are making around $450 million a year as "holding companies" for the OG companies. To clerify...the OG companies pump O & G and then pay a company to hold it. Now, does this sound like hoarding???? Doesnt it also sound like manipulation of the markets??? Not to mention, if they hoard it and it doesnt go "to market" , does that allow them to bypass paying royalties to the landowners until THEY decide to take it to market when THEY feel the prices are right?? I would appreciate all thoughts on this matter.



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