Interesting to see that there will be a 22,000 ft well
to spud soon in Jefferson County exploring Haynesville Shale.

See Mainland Resourses----any comments??????

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Fake? 1 thing is true.  We will all know the outcome by the end of August.

I'm all for skepticism regarding the commercial aspects of this well but unless you have a reasonable basis for your statement, I'd suggest letting time tell the story.  In fact, going back to your early post on page 52, you speak of the lithologies like someone who's in the know and with your background in mud logging, what has suddenly caused you to turn an about face?  The USGS has published reports on the depositional environment to support the thickness and rapid burial which caused the abnormal pore pressure beyond the Tuscaloosa Massive Sands and based on the offset data (Chevron had a BLOWOUT - my colleagues didn't fight a water well at 21,000 ft!), it's tight.  OK, so there's hydrocarbon - it's just a matter can they engineer themselves a way to produce it that's economically feasible and risk adverse?

Damn Jay Calk, you seem to be giving up before the fat lady sings?

The river is down. Has anyone heard if there is any activity going on at well location?

I have not heard anything yet but I am sure something will be heard of before the end of the month.

Joe Mag

I still have not heard anything but have been following the stocks and see there is activity.  Mainland stock has gone up a dime in the past week.  It could be just a fluke but this is around the time they are supposed to resume work. It has gone from .26 to .38 in about a weeks time. I still think an announcement from the company should happen at the very end of the month.

Joe Mag


I gotta agree with Joe. We will probably hear something by the end of this month. Perhaps something like this:
Press Release "Mainland Resoruces annouces inspection of well site, prepares for completion activities"
Mainland Resources inspected its Buena Vista project today and deteremined that recent flooding had not adversely impacted the surface casing or well site. Mainland is preparing compeltion crews to begin work when schedules allow. Based on review of well logs, core data and other information, Mainland expects to attempt to complete and comingle Bossier, Haynesville, and Eagle Ford production from the well"


Attached below is a very brief update to MNLU's latest presentation...


AEXP's director filed with SEC to buy shares on the 19th of July, though he only bought about $3500.00 worth of shares...


I to anticipate a new PR in the near future. I expect that it will shed light on funding for the well's completion as well as any news regarding workover rig availability, etc...

Hi Jeff,


Thanks for the info. I have been on their main page and it seems all paper work appears to be in order and filed as best can be for what they have going on at this point. we all await their next announcement. I am still very hopeful.


Joe Mag

Since you were the last comment on this subject thread, I'll ask you....what happened ??? Why aren't there any comments since 25 July 2011 ??
MNLU is still trading....they have filed final documents with SEC regarding merger. I know they need cash to complete te well, but I assume the management is attempting to secure funds some way. I just don't understand why all commentary has ended !!!

Hi Carmen, everyone is waiting for the first bit of PR to come back. I was hoping to hear some announcement by end of July but I am sure it will be popping up very shortly.

Joe Mag



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