Was contacted today about signing for a 3D seismic shoot.  I am leased.  Was offered $15 per acre plus any damages.  He said that was standard price everyone was being offered unless the lease stipulated different.  My lease Exhibit “A” has the following statement:  “No seismic survey shall be conducted on the lease premises without further permission of the Lessor, which permission shalll be subject to further requirements”.  There is a water well testing clause, but in my case that is n/a.

Not looking to hold out, just want to make sure I’m getting a fair offer.  Anyone care to elaborate on my position (lease language), anything I may need in the seismic contract, and what is a fair rate.


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D C - they are still signing up landowners (was contacted last week about a small parcel our family owns in NE corner of Evangeline). Was told the work will likely take place early next year.

L P - the project map I saw had a North line being the North line of T1N.  And the West line would include approx the eastern 2/3 of R2W.

Thanks Century man. Good to hear

Thanks Century Man!   I am in T2N R3W & I have not been contacted as of yet for either lease or seismic analysis.   This area was & my land was seismographed a couple of times in past 25 plus years.   Chesapeake was the last one to lease me.  I have 60 plus acres.   I know there is several sand/gravel pits in my area.   Any idea on who is eyeing this area?   D&D drilling has a well in Wilcox that was just permitted this month SN# 215222.

Not sure of your particular area, but a few miles to your South and East, I know Petro-Guard/Marthon/Southwind has taken some leases. 

Torrent leased a few miles east of Petro-guard. Was wondering if anybody knows who is partnering with torrent. There have been no lease offers from seismograph for our area a little east of LSUA. According to centurymans info the seismic survey will be south of us which is sad because as far as I know, a seismic survey has never been done in this area. I probably have all kinds of oil under my property and can’t find out because there has never been any seismic work done:). Potentially millions of dollars going to waste:)

Have any wells of any depth been drilled on or offsetting your property?

None that I know of and I have owned the property for about 30 years. There is nothing for miles. 

I was actually kidding about the millions of dollars going to waste 

Gotta dream!!!!!!!

Wonder where closest well control is located? Can you share Township / Range info?

Yes. Dreaming does make life more fun. This is actually the third time that I’ve leased my property. That alone is getting to pay pretty well. It is township 2n, range 1 east section 2. I actually have a pipeline running across the back of my property which would be pretty efficient if one of these companies could hit oil here;)

There is actually an old (1940) Wilcox well in Section 1 just eat of you on the other side of Higway 1. TD of about 6500' - drilled by Wheelock & Collins (Whittington #1). Well info attached. I looked at the log - nothing there except wet looking sands from surface into the Wilcox section.

There is a 1952 Wilcox well (dry hole) about 6 miles NW of your section along Highway 1. And Halcon drilled their Broadway 1H TMS completion (2013?) to the SE of you about 5 miles away. Completion is a push for this well since it only IP'd single digit oil and minor gas - essentially a dry hole.

I looked at the log on this well thru the AC - it is about 300' thick and is located between 12,900' and 13.200'.

That's about it for well control along the Highway 1 corridor in this part of the Parish. You can go into SONRIS and use the GIS mapping application to see other well control and pull down data.


Thank you for all of that good information.  This area has never really been looked at much.  Good information on the thickness and the depth of the Austin chalk.  We really appreciate your input.


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