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Yes Chip things are heating up. I agree we will probably see successful wells before economically successful wells. The results will get better and cost will get lower with each well they drill. That’s why I’m not too disappointed that I did not fall within the last two proposed    Units. There close enough ( 1 mile and 1200 feet) to know they will get to me if the results are successful. If we get another Lacour 43 who knows, remember  while the formation did collapse don’t forget those IP numbers.

I personally question that the formation collapsed in the Lacour 43 - my opinion is that the natural fracture system that was encountered ended up depleting. Nothing in the fractures means nothing can be produced.

If operator really thought that this was a formation  / wellbore collapse, they would have drilled additional wells to try to find those same AC flow rates.

Side note - "success" without economic viability for operators will be OK for short term for royalty owners (i.e. checks in the mail), but ultra negative for the play in question (i.e. no more wells drilled).

AC needs to get some BIG test rates and consistent production to make this work!

In my limited experience most chalk wells in the vicinity of Masters Creek Field collapsed in the laterals to some degree. Some more, some less. The Strickland well in Vernon Parish is one glaring example. It ran like the well to end all wells for a few days and poof!, dry as Grandmas biscuit flour.Twenty some-odd years later the tanks and well equipment are still in place, awaiting re-entry. Unfortunately, that probably won't happen at today's prices. And not  without slotted liners. 

Rumor, a lot gravel trucks going back to North Cheneyville Brown well, started yesterday..Skip you seen any new permits?

Fasle Rumor..

New BLOG on Amelia Resources!

Thanks Lisa

Thx Lisa!  Skip is there any news on Drillinginfo on the Rig coming or assigned to the Crowell #2, SN 251809 in Rapides parish?

I don't use Drillinginfo but Rock Man does.  I don't know if or how they track rigs.  I use the Rig Data Weekly Rig Report for the Greater Gulf Coast, a subscription service:  $75/month.

No activity on DrillingInfo

Thx guys, just trying to keep up.   

COP done in Louisiana AC, pulled plug and moving on!

Any insight, Jay/Rockman/Skip?



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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