There are allot of peple in my neighborhood that wnt to start a group. What difference does it make?

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I wish we had a couple of lawyers and some CPA's on board with us but all the ones we have dealt with so far want 4% to 10 %. Guess your free guy's are too busy to help out some country folk huh ?
I wish that I could say something that would ease your mind but I cant. I do not know your situation or your friends situation.If you or your friends want a progress report when things have ground to a halt, there isn't much to report on. If you or your friends want the best possible lease then you are going to have to wait like the rest of us.

The O&G's have a lot on their plate right now just like we do. They may have already leased more land then they can drill and hold. Unless they flip it to someone else , they could lose billions. If the uncertainty of the future and the high costs of fuel and their daily operations continue to rise without the market for all this gas , It could make this play less economical.They could still operate in the black but that isn't what they are about. It is about profitability! While they wait on the additional rigs to get these leases held , the fear of being left out will be a huge factor in the approach the O&G's use from here on out. As long as they presumably have as much as they can handle , they can afford to sit back and let the mineral owner sweat. Thats all they can afford to do now anyway.Putting excess pressure on your group leadership serves no purpose right now whatsoever.Only damage the group itself and cause it to implode.

If they feel they can be better served alone or somewhere else , your rural friends need to leave the group. If they aren't part of the solution they can be part of the problem if they aren't careful. If they must leave it is better to leave now then to make everyone think they can depend on them later on when in all actuality they cant.

At swamo we have taken a slightly different approach to this then most , as you could tell by some of the discussions that have taken place in the past. We have told our prospective members as well as current members ,that if they do not have the groups best interests at heart then they need to leave. If they do not leave of their own accord they will be shown the door.This can only work out for the best with everybody on the same page. If not then it would be better for the group at least, if you weren't a part.

The facts show that groups have and will continue to do better than individuals on average. Much better. What you do with that is up to you. Good luck. If I can help in any way please ask. I don't have anything else to do since the leasing has slowed down. HA! HA!



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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