I am trying to find where I can purchase a map that will show the landowners of a parish. I was told you purchase these, but I can't find them. Any info would be appreciated!

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The parish tax assessor's office.
Outta curiosity how much are they? Or the book mentioned? thanks!
Caddo charges $1.00 a page. A section is usually one page, but each section may have more supplemental pages. This map will have tract #'s, you will then need to get info or printouts to see ownership, name will not be on map.
the plat ownership map are quite expensive from Construction Safety Products, the Bossier one is about $360. But they are quite helpful on sections and landowners for us that do not know alot, like me.
The tax assessor will have the surface ownership maps (usually by section).

You can also get a Tobin Lease map that will show mineral owners (not to be relied on, but somtimes a good start) and recent leases. These are not at the assessor, but are available fror purchase from ther sources.
Thanks for all the info. I will check into these today!
Fordyce Mapping Service(Fordyce Arkansas) has ownership maps by parish. I have DeSoto and it is very handy. Each map is 1/2 of a parish and about $250.00 each. They also sell it in a book for a little cheaper.
There is also a google earth overlay by parish which shows ownership. The file extensions are .KMZ. It shows each separate ownership in the various blocks which can be dimmed out if you don't wish to see ownership squares. I have Sabine, Desoto, and Red River. Just point to an area and it brings up the ownership, address, description, assessment, acreage and legal description. Takes the place of going to the courthouse! Very nice, but very expensive.
Construction Safety Products now has 2010 DeSoto Parish Plat Books in stock @ $ 64.95 each. One book covers the entire Parish. They also have 2009 Caddo at the same price.
You can look up some of the information for free on the Caddo assessor's web page. Mostly searching for owner names by mailing address. There's a more extensive fee-based online info system. I don't think there are any maps.

Some parishes or county assessors have more extensive info online, including maps.

I notice that Google maps is starting to show property lines in some areas, for instance, Houston, but they don't show who the owner is.


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