Why would division orders be sent to me if the new well drilled hasn't produced?

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coral-- generally DO are sent after a well starts production so you can get paid although DO not necessary to receive royalty payments--- is this by chance a alternate well in the unit that is new and the DO are late arriving for the first initial well in the unit? I would suggest simple contact operator with your question.

I've contacted them and they say it's not producing, that's why I'm wondering why I was sent a division order then. I have emailed them again with that same question and waiting on a reply.

Who cares which comes first the chicken or the egg.  If you agree with the decimal percentage sign them and send them back.  When the well is produced, hopefully there is no delay in getting paid.  Usually it's the opposite.  Well is producing and can't get a division order.  Good Luck.

Coral-- forgot to ask you for generally on division orders they list the name and ID of the well the DO is for -- check that -- I would be surprised if it was for the well that has not been completed and it may be the well is completed and producing. If on your land check well site

i dont understand this eather

we got our division orders sighned them and sent them back a same day and got ur first check soon after that

Yeah same thing when we got our first division orders the check came shortly after, this time it has been almost 2 months now.


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