If you get drilled or leased in San Augustine in 2009 post it here. Give all the details you can...... This might give everyone in SA an idea when things start picking back up.

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Actually, this is not true. Eagle Stone Energy Partners is leasing for it's affiliate, Eagle Oil and Gas Co.
Bob, According to county records, Eagle Oil and Gas assigned their holdings in Sabine Parish, Sabine County, and San Augustine County to Eagle Stone. Eagle Stone then hired Energy Spectrum Advisors to try to sell these leases. Google Energy Spectrum Advisors and you will find the offer for sale. They(Eagle) do want to keep a working interest but not operate any of the leases themselves.
I was confused because leo asked who Eagle Stone Energy Partners "is leasing for", and the answer is Eagle Oil and Gas Co, which you did not specify.
My apologies for not being specific.
thanks for your info. So Eagle and their compardars are just speculators..
What do you mean by "speculator"?

Eagle is in the business of operating. If they are not going to operate in the Haynesville, then I bet they will find a damn good partner who will operate. From what I know, they don't just go around flipping leases to anyone. They want good quality partners with good acreage positions who will help them develop the play. Hope this information helps you.
Based on ALongview's info they may be flipping a lot of leases. But, hey, wadda I know....?
If leasing several thousand acres in a hot play, and then attempting to sell all but 25% of it for a massive profit isn't flipping, then I don't know what is...

Then again, the flipping part doesn't work out too well if no one wants to buy at the inflated prices anymore.

Hope this information helps.
So Bob, Did you lease with Eagle? Eagle leased out land down south of San Augustine County ... around 1751 of SA... we missed out but did lease with Encana which our land is out on 705 ..... Some land around ours is leased with Eagle.
what part of the jacob garrett survey are they looking at. we have about 250 mineral acrss there . maybe different survey ours is jacob garrett A-15 , think its just south east of broaddus, where is the
Sorry, but I really don't know the exact location. Interestingly we've already had the offer upped to $500.00 acre. Would really appreciate hearing of any other offerings in the area.
HS what area in Broaddus? South east would be 87 or 103 or 705


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