Just wondering how all those people who voted for Obama in last Presidential election are liking their " Hope and Change" ?

How are all you liking the Hope and Change?

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We already have one at the helm!  A crazy that is!   Carville also said this week that Obama was in trouble!!  Maybe ya'll need to run Hilliary!  Guess you can move back to Russia because we are taking our country back  Easy!!  People out of work want something different that we they have now!  You ask God about creationism he will explain it to you!
When whitey is protesting/rioting in the streets, you know things are bad.  You want somebody to blame, go talk to Cheney/W.  I'll take any bet that Perry or Romney won't win in 2012!!!  As far as the country goes, the right is wrong.

Looks like any Republican is going to beat Obama in 2012.  He is sinking like a rock in a sewage tank!  He even admitted himself he is the underdog now and that he is responsible for the ecomony now! Only way he can win is the cheat!  May be a rebirth of the old Acorn huh Easy?  Don't think his buddy Holder can protect them this time. He is up crap creek himself now!   Looks like Herman Cain may get the nomination Easy.  Gonna call us racists when he gets elected? Herman says he is blacker than Obama and has a different kind of blood in his veins!  He says his blood is RED, White and Blue!!!!

stix, if the shoe fits, wear it.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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