"Nebraska Leaders now pushing for U.S. to 'expedite' Keystone" pipeline 11/15/2011

"Nebraska's top politicians have thrown their support behind TransCanada Corp's Keystone XL pipeline, and are urging the U.S. Federal government to 'expedite' its approval..."


"Nebraska's opposition was 'cited' by the U.S. State Dept. last week as the reason for delaying a decision on the $7 Billion (U.S.) 2,700-kilometer pipeline, which would open crucial new markets on the U.S. Gulf Coast to oil sands crude."   "...an unnamed State Department official told The Wall Street Journal the 'full review' would take 12 to 18 months."

Here's an idea...Let's just have The U.S.A. Voters petition Canada to become its newest, largest Canadian Province.  LOL   With just one snap, No More American Politicians!  Where do I vote?

What a great idea, if I don't mind sayin' it myself.   LOL

DrWAVeSport Cd1 11/15/2011

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P.S.  If GHShalers have time...Read some of the "Comments" per this Canadian News Article.  Our Northern neighbors are pretty funny per Our American Political Psychotic State of Affairs.  LOL

I read somewhere that there are volumes of additional safety measures... above and beyond the standard safety guidelines approved for this pipeline.  agreed to by the company to ease environmental concerns.  but i suppose you can't give enough to the government.  Not sure about a "cornhusker kickback" issue... maybe $7-billion and 20,000 new jobs wasn't enough?  sorry for the rant.


Our U.S. Political Leaders and 'kickbacks?"  Our State Governors, Reps. and 'kickbacks?"   I just can't believe they would do that.  LOL

Maybe the Nebraska Politicians haven't yet had enough time to "buy/lease up" just the "right" parcels of Nebraska farmland yet.  Hey, that may be the real reason it's going to take "12 to 18 more months" per the unnamed State Dept. official...  LOL  I'd call that a REAL Envionmental Impact Study!  LOL

No, JHH, They'll just wait till 2012, to make the decision to BUILD Keystone, but right before the anouncement... Our 'trustworthy' 'transparent' 'honorable' Politicians will make sure a bit of 'insider' information along with a few important questions get "Passed" somehow along to someone's insider Broker - only  for "research" purposes, of course - i.e., "Mr. Stockbroker, would you, as a U.S. taxpayer, feel it would be environmentally sound to 'BUILD THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE THROUGH NEBRASKA?'"  And, just one more research question:  "Mr. Stockbroker, how concerned would you be about TRANSCANADA CORP. BUILDING IT, in reference only to TransCanada's environmental governances?"  LOL

Apologize for referencing GHS's 'Sesport II' Political Discussion, per CBS's Steve Kroft's 60 Minutes piece: "Congress:  Trading stock on inside information?"  Sad, very sad picture.  (GHS's Sesport II's Discussion piece:  "No Holds Barred MSM."  You can find it in GHS 'Political & Off-Topic' Group Discussions.) 

I'm quite sure Our Politicians' stockbrokers "research" will show "amazing" results...and probably "overnight!" LOL

Let's just watch the NYSE.  That should tell us everything we need to know!   

YOUR Government At Work For YOU... 

JHH... I thought this kind of 'kickback' thing only happened in good ole' Louisiana.  LOL

DrWAVeSport Cd1 11/16/2011

One more time.  Why don't the Local, State, and Fed Politicians just save all these shenanigans and TALK to some ALASKA PIPELINE AUTHORITIES...READ THEIR RESEARCH, STUDY THEIR TEMPLATES AND Stop Looking and Sounding So Stupid, Uneducate, Uninformed,and as Lost as chickens with their heads.....!!!

Yes, Politicians...ALASKA has been in this business for YEARS!!!!!! 

Spoon feeding babies again...

psst.  you should direct your frustration in the proper direction.  http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2011/11/03/Keysto...


he got what he wanted, they're all giving him credit for stopping it.  nice try?


No fan here.  Just calls'em like I see'sem. 

It won't stop the Keystone project.  It just won't start till the Politic'n is done.


but the project has been stopped dead in it's tracks... granted there are factions in nebraska, along with many other environmental crusaders elsewhere, that are plenty happy... but even jay carney said that the president would have the final say... what's worse, the local nebraska pols wouldn't even have a game to play if these shennanigans weren't allowing them to stay on the field.  i think we essentially agree, i'm just not sure what the insider trading stuff has to do with any of this.


Agree to Disagree.  The Keystone Pipeline will be built.  IMO  When?  Good Guess.

I don't believe that Obama will have the final say no matter what the Political PR Pundits say.  Business deals will prevail. President Obama will go the path of least resistance until that path becomes the "pipeline" path.  Then life will change.  Even in Nebraska.

The CBS Steve Kroft Congressional Insider Trading report... and NYSE traded Companies like TransCanada and the numerous "pipeline" related corps. that will be needed for Keystone project...  And Congress is immune from all insider trading laws... Why not?  You do the math.  Just one more "Project" from which Congressional Reps. will reap rewards.  Again, IMO.

That is my premise for the juxtaposition of Congress/Insider Trading/Kestone Project.   A Multi-Billion $ Project?  Call me crazy.  LOL  Bullseye. 

If U.S. dependency of OPEC costs U.S. over TWO Billion dollars a day, and WE really are serious about that one "fatal attraction," then the Keystone Pipeline is essential for U.S. to back and build.  

We don't drive for a week, and the Keystone is paid for.   LOL  Again, IMO. 

I want to buy oil/gas from North American Countries...Not OPEC.  It's just that simple.

Great discussion essay. 

DrWAVeSport Cd1 11/18/2011



sesport II,

Agree. I'm from Kansas/Oklahoma.  American Indian Reservation Lands are throughout.  If any group in America needs this Project to proceed, it is Our Indigenous American Indian Families. 

The "Casino" Business seems to be riping them off more than providing the promised prosperity...mostly low paying jobs...IMHO.  

Hopefully we will do this Project with an Honorable/Responsible Hand. (?)


believe what you want, the route was set and ready to go, all obama had to do was approve it, it was not up to native americans, nebraskans, canadians, or anyone else.

states generally have the right to define public use, so that's certainly something that could and probably was being pursued in a project like this.  you'll hack off a couple dozen landowners in order to benefit millions of americans, that's what eminent domain is for.  thomas jefferson might not necessarily agree but there you have it.


this pipeline has been planned to death, complete with permits all over the place... then studied, restudied, and studied again by the usual alphabet soup of government agencies, not only in the u.s. but canada too.  the route nonsense is a side issue.  I believe, quite simply, it is the very existence of the thing at all that's the real crux of the matter for most of it's detractors.  i have seen dozens of reasons for not completing the pipeline, but most of them boil down to "clean energy good, dirty energy bad."  real la-la-land stuff. 


the best it can be spun is obama agreed that the project should be halted based on advice for further review from whichever of the lunatics at the state dept he bothers listening to.  congressional insider trading on any level is wrong, whether it involves stocks, real estate, or anything else, and i do not want to detract from how wrong this behavior is.  but, the only person to blame for facilitating any further shenannigans by opportunistic, bloodsucking politicians is obama.  the executive branch, including the state department, works for him, not the other way around.  otherwise all of those ads attacking the project would have been begging hillary to stop it instead.

I am about 700 miles south of Nebraska. Route is being bought, and eminent domain proceedings underway as per unlocatable landowners. This has been  going on for about 4-5 months. Not to worry!(Middle East Texas) The ole' gal is just waiting for the right price! Same as usual.


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