Folks, I am slap new to this.  I inherited royalty interest in TMS Amite Co. 1N 3E and from some of the postings it appears there is drilling going on in the sections I hold royalties (40;41;42;45).

It would appear I should be profiting from this, but I am not.

What am I missing??


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The Encana Neyland TMS Unit includes Sections 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46 & 47, in part or in whole, in 1N - 3E.  The only way to know if your mineral interest is included in the unit is to view a unit plat.  Remind me Monday and I'll upload one.  The MSO&GB database is down at this time which is probably regular maintenance performed on the weekend.  The Encana Neyland 45-40 #1 is not reported as complete and turned to sales so  no one is receiving royalty payments at this time.  No way to tell just when that may happen.  While you wait for the well results I suggest that you contact Encana to see if they recognize your royalty interest.  If not you may need to do some title work to get that interest properly evidenced in the public records of Amite County.

Try here first:  225-683-7073

John, the last note that I have on the Neyland 45-40 is that is waiting on a rig.  I made that note some time ago and don't recall if it was from an Encana press release/corporate presentation or from my weekly rig report. The well was permitted 4/17/14 and the permit is good for one year.

Many thanks.  I have called and talked to a lady that passed my name on to their land folks.  Someone is to get in touch with me this week.

I'll let you know what I find out.

I appreciate your assist.

Best wishes


You're welcome.  Good Luck.

John: I have been monitoring this well for a while and although the location has been surveyed, there is no evidence of the site being prepared or a rig slated to move in. If you want to call my office at 504-733-3117 and leave your number I'll be happy to call you if and when I learn of any more positive news. Ben Waring

P.S. I hope offering to help someone does not violate the solicitation policy!!

When Encana assigns a rig or spuds the Neyland 45-40 I will start a discussion for the well in the Amite County Group.  I will then post updates each Friday from my RigData Weekly Rig Report.  Eye witness reports are also encouraged and appreciated.

Robert and Ben, I post the following for you and for all other member who might not be aware of GHS site policy.  I suggest that you not take Keith's replies personally.  There are good reasons for the rules and our history is the reason they are in place.  I don't think either of you are attempting anything nefarious however I would point out that it is impossible for me, or Keith for that matter, to know for sure.  The posting of a telephone number or email address in a Main Page discussion has been against the rules for years.  Keith has made changes over time to make communication between members easy to accomplish off the Main Page.   By all means offer your opinion and help to John and any other member as you would choose.  Here are the rules and guidelines that I believe are relevant to this discussion.

Site Rules and Disclaimers

2) There is zero tolerance for unauthorized solicitations and spamming in the homepage forum. Solicitations include veiled commercial posts. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden. The posting of a website, email, phone number or address in the homepage forum will be considered a solicitation. 


Solicitation Policy

If you have a commercial interest, we want GHS to be a place where you can network and build on your efforts. So, we are again making some changes to our solicitation policy.

Last November, the no-solicitation rule was lifted in the county groups; members are now able to freely promote in the county groups without concerns of violating the GHS' solicitation policy. The reason for the change is that it has become evident there is a need for a place where members can promote their minerals or services. The ideal location for this is in the county groups. 

In addition to this we are making another adjustment. As of today, April 25, 2014, we are changing the solicitation/promotion policy with respect to one's profile picture, profile name and profile page.


Promotion CAN take place in the following places

1.  County & Parish Groups (indicated with "County" or "Parish" in its title)

2. On your "My Page."

3. In your profile picture (i.e. you can use a company or business logo)

4. In your profile name you can use a business name (i.e., American Energy, LLC is acceptable, but "I want to buy your minerals" is not.)

Promotion CANNOT take place in the places 

1. Home Page Forum or any group that DOES NOT contain "COUNTY" or "PARISH" in its title. 

GHS still retains the right to delete any post(s) not in its best interest. 

Thanks to all of you.  I don't ever expect to understand all of this, but I am beginning to see some hope for maybe collecting some $$ in the future.

Skip, is there a place/site to go to to buy/sell royalties?

Bless you all.


Lots, John.  Although none I can recommend from experience.  Some advertise here on GHS.  Dozens can be found by an Internet search using the terms, minerals or royalty.  I suggest that you read this before you attempt to sell:

There should be a small "x" in the upper right corner of the reply box.  Click it and it will ask if you want to delete your reply.

Done. Thanks.



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