Major move to the south in San Augustine Co., this well is 12.1 miles southwest of San Augustine in the A. Spear, Abstract 43. Woohoo!! all you south county people!

Status # 687761
OP # 251691 - ENCANA OIL & GAS(USA) INC.
Pending Approval ,
Submitted: 11/23/2009 ,Filed: Online
New Drill 15000'
Field - Wildcat

Views: 1424

Replies to This Discussion

epate, there are two Collins Surveys... A-445 is J.S. Collins and A-467 is W. Collins.  For anyone trying to find them on the map, they are close together and North of the A-43 wells.

Where can we get a map? I am not sure which survery we have but will look it up. I have heard some got maps but so far we haven't . Thanks,


I think the map being referenced is the GIS Map at the RRC site. I extracted your area with both Collins surveys bolded. This is the only map I'm aware of to the public.



Thanks for the map. What are the symbols for? The zero with line through it and the square. Thanks for the information.


ep, here's a link to the map legend which will tell you what all the symbols mean:

I printed out the map. Is this the lastest report on well exploration? Thanks for your help.


Yes, the most recent completions have been from up north by Exco.  I heard that XTO was completing Blue Raiders #1H and Hilltoppers #1H so maybe we will have a report from those before too long.
I am sorry to ask again, but I have been trying to get a map of the A Spears survey A-43. I may not have all the information on the tract. I couldn't get it to load with all the symbols. Thanks if you have time to help me.

Epate, use the link to the GIS map:

When the map opens, click on the "Survey/Abstract" button.  That will open a small search page.  Choose San Augustine from the county list and then type 43 in the "Abstract, A-" box.  Hit enter to show results and then click "Map".  It will zoom the map to A-43.  If you want to save that image, right click on the map and choose "save image as" and give it a name and destination on your computer.

Is this a recent offer?  And to second, Jffree, could you share the survey info with us?  Thanks and good luck.
Which survey info, Steve?  I don't have anything real specific.  They were generally referring to a region between A-17 and northwest toward Hwy. 96.  I do know that EnCana has talked to some folks east of Hwy. 96 and north of Hwy. 103, in the area where the "Rebecca" wells were permitted this summer.
Julie, In the posts above you were asking "epate" about their survey name relative to their offer.  I was just reiterating your request for their survey information.  Thanks.



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